
Talks, Plenary Discussions and Bauzentrum

The next two weeks will feature numerous presentations and outreach relating to our vision of how batteries can benefit home owners and how we see the future of robotic experimentation

The team will be participating in several events at the American Chemical Society Spring 2024 National Meeting. Dr. Helge Stein will present a talk titled "Catalyzing the acceleration of research with robots and AI" on March 17th, discussing the use of automation and machine learning in high-throughput experimentation and materials acceleration platforms. Later that day, Dr. Stein will participate in a panel discussion on the "Digital and robotic future of chemistry."

10:20am - 10:40am EDT - March 17, 2024 | Location: Room 217 (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)

Helge Stein, Presenter

Division: [ENFL] Division of Energy and Fuels

Session Type: Oral - Hybrid


Additionally, the team is involved in an online forum hosted by the Bauzentrum München on March 19th, focused on "Innovative Perspectives for Solar Power Storage." The event will cover various energy storage technologies, safety considerations, efficiency analyses, trends, sustainable materials, and recycling potentials.