Roland A. Fischer

Name: Roland Augustinus Fischer

Date of birth: 27.08.1961

Place of birth: Rosenheim


1981-1986 Study of Chemistry (Dipl.-Chem.) at Technical University of Munich (TUM)
1989 Promotion, Dr. rer. nat.; Mentor: Prof. W. A. Herrmann, TUM: "Contributions to the Coordination Chemistry of Alkynes at Rhenium: Synthesis, Structures and Reactivity"
1989-1990 Post-Doc with Prof. H. D. Kaesz, University of California, Los Angeles: "MOCVD of Pt- and Cu thin films"
1995 Habilitation, Dr. rer. nat. habil. (Chemistry) at TUM: "Transition Metal subtituted Alanes, Gallanes and Indanes: Synthesis, Reactivity, Structures: molecular sources for Chemical Vapour Deposition of binary intermetallic phases"


>650 original publications, including review articles (25), excluding patents (10)

h-index = 95, >38,700 citations (data taken from Scopus on Apr 26th, 2024)

ORCID     Google Scholar

Selected Functions in Research

1997-1999 Co-chair German American Frontiers of Science Symposia
2000-2012 Board of DFG Research Centre 558, “Metal Support Interaction in Heterogeneous Catalysis”; Vice Speaker 2009 – 2012
2001-2007 Initiator and Coordinator, DFG Priority Program 1119 „CVD-Materials“
2001-2013 Board of EUROCVD Conferences and Organizer of EUROCVD-XV (2005, Bochum)
2006-2009 Co-chair of EU STREP “SURMOF” (6th FP)
since 2006 Board of Trustees of the Chemical Industry Fund, Germany
2006-2009 Speaker, Ruhr University Research School (Excellence Initiative, GSC 98/I)
2007-2015 Advisory Board, International Graduate School of Science & Engineering (IGSSE, TUM)
2008-2014 Board of DFG Priority Program 1362 “Metal-Organic Frameworks”
2009-2013 Coordinator, EU Marie Curie ITN “ENHANCE”
since 2010 Visiting Professor at iCeMS Kyoto (
since 2011 Visiting Professor at IIT Bombay (
2012-2015 Speaker, Ruhr University Research School Plus (Excellence Initiative, GSC 98/II)
2012-2016 Member, DFG Senate Commission on Collaborative Research Centers
2015-2018 Coordinator, EU Marie Curie ITN “DEFNET” (Horizon 2020)
2016-2021 Vice President, German Research Foundation (DFG)
2016-2022 Initiator and Coordinator, DFG Priority Program 1928 „COORNETs“

Selected Functions in Academia

1996-1997 Associate Professor for Inorganic Chemistry at the University Heidelberg
1997-2015 Full Professor for Inorganic and Materials Chemistry at the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB)
since 2016 Full Professor at the Chair for Inorganic and Metallorganic chemistry at the Technical University of Munich (TUM)
2000-2002 Vice-Rector for Teaching Affairs at RUB (Undergraduate and Graduate Studies)
2001 Referee within the Program „Forschungsdozenturen“ of the Stifterverband
2002 Referee within the Program „Reformstudiengänge“ of the Stifterverband
2003-2008 Member of the Commission for International Affairs of the Germans Rector´s Conference
2003-2004 Member of the Group of National Bologna-Promotors of DAAD
2003-2005 Referee for ZeVA, "Begleitevaluation B/M-Reform Lehrerbildung in Lower Saxony"
2004-2012 Head of "Alfried Krupp Schülerlabor" at RUB
2005-2008 Dean and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry & Biochemistry at RUB
2008-2012 National Jury Member Jugend Forscht
2008-2015 German National Academic Foundation, Liaison Docent

Stipends & Awards

1981-1986 Stipend for highly gifted students of the State of Bavaria
1984-1986 Stipend of the German National Academic Foundation
1989 TUM-Award for outstanding dissertations (TU Munich)
1989 Study Award of the Chemical Industry Fund
1989-1990 Feodor Lynen Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
1990-1992 Liebig Fellowship of the Chemical Industry Fund
1992-1995 Habilitation Fellowship of the German Research Foundation
1993 Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz Award of the Federal Minister for Education and Research for "Chemistry and Physics of Thin Films"
1995-1997 Fellowship of the Karl-Winnacker Foundation
1996 Alfried Krupp Award for young University Professors



JSPS guest professor at Kyoto University (Host: Susumu Kitagawa)

Dr. phil. h.c. from Ruhr-University Bochum

Editorial Activities

active:Angewandte Chemie, Chemical Vapour Deposition
previously:Dalton Transactions, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry