N. R. von Grafenstein*, K. D. Briegel*, J. Casanova, D. B. Bucher°. Coherent signal detection in the statistical polarization regime enables high-resolution nanoscale NMR spectroscopy.
J. P. Leibold*, N. R. von Grafenstein*, X. Chen, L. Müller, K. D. Briegel, and D. B. Bucher°. Time-space encoded readout for noise suppression and scalable scanning in optically active solid-state spin systems.
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
(34) K. D. Briegel, N. R. von Grafenstein*, J. C. Draeger*, P. Blümler, R. D. Allert, D. B. Bucher°. Optical Widefield Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy. (Nature Comm, in press)
(33) C. L. Kufner, S. Krebs, M. Fischalck, J. Philippou-Massiert, H Blum, D. B. Bucher, D. Braun, W. Zinth C. B. Mast. Selection of Early Life Codons by Ultraviolet Light. ACS Central Science in press
(32) J.C. Hermann*, R. Rizzato*, F. Bruckmaier, R.D. Allert, A. Blank, D. B. Bucher°. Extending Radiowave Frequency Detection Range with Dressed States of Solid-State Spin Ensembles. npj Quantum Information,10:103 (2024)
(31) R. Rizzato, N.R. von Grafenstein, D.B. Bucher, Quantum sensors in diamonds for magnetic resonance spectroscopy: Current applications and future prospects. Appl. Phys. Lett., 123, 260502 (2023),
- cover article
(30) P. Amrein, F. Bruckmaier, F. Jia, D.B. Bucher, M. Zaitsev, S. Littin, Optimal bi-planar gradient coil configurations for diamond nitrogen-vacancy based diffusion-weighted NMR experiments. Magn Reson Mater Phy (2023),
(29) R. Rizzato, M. Schalk, S. Mohr, P.J. Leibold, J.C. Hermann, F. Bruckmainer, P. Ji, G.V. Astakhov, U. Kentsch, M. Helm, A.V. Stier, J.J. Finley, D.B. Bucher°, Extending the coherence time of spin defects in hBN enables advanced qubit control and quantum sensing. Nature Communications, 14, 5089 (2023),
(28) F. Bruckmaier, D.R. Allert, N. Neuling, P. Amrein, S. Littin, K.D. Briegel, P. Schätzle, P. Knittel, M. Zaitsev, C.B. Bucher°, Imaging local diffusion in microstructures using NV-based pulsed field gradient NMR. Science Advances, 9, 33 (2023),
- see media coverage: Wirtschaftswoche, biotechniques,, sciencedaily, Sueddeutsche selected this article as one of the breakthroughs at TUM in 2023
(27) N.R. Neuling, D.R. Allert, D.B. Bucher°, Prospects of Single-Cell NMR Spectroscopy with Quantum Sensors. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 83, 102975 (2023),
(26) N. Arunkumar, K.S. Olsson, J.T. Oon, C. Hart, D.B. Bucher, D. Glenn, M.D. Lukin, H. Park, D. Ham, R.L. Walsworth, Quantum Logic Enhanced Sensing in Solid-State Spin Ensembles, Phys. Rev. Lett., 131, 100801 (2023),
(25) F. Freire-Moschovitis, R. Rizzato, A. Pershin, M.R. Schepp, D.R. Allert, L.M. Todenhagen, M.S. Brandt, A. Gali, D.B: Bucher°, Sensing Diamagnetic Electrolytes with Spin Defects in Diamond. ACS Nano, 17, 11, 10474–10485 (2023)
(24) C.L. Kufner, S. Krebs, M. Fischaleck, J. Philippou‑Massier, H. Blum, D.B. Bucher, B. Braun, W. Zinth, C.B. Mast, Sequence dependent UV damage of complete pools of oligonucleotides. Scientific Reports 13:2638 (2023)
(23) C.L. Kufner, D.B. Bucher, D.D. Sasselov, The Photophysics of Nucleic Acids: Consequences for the Emergence of Life. ChemSystemsChem, 5, e202200019 (2023)
(22) K. Liu, X. Ma, R. Rizzato, A. Semrau, A. Henning, I.D. Sharp, R.A. Fischer, D.B. Bucher°, Using metal-organic frameworks to confine liquid samples for nanoscale NV-NMR, Nano Letters, 22, 24, 9876–9882 (2022)
(21) D.R. Allert, F. Bruckmaier, N. Neuling, F. Freire-Moschivitis, K.S. Liu, C. Schrepel, P. Schätzle, P. Knittel, M. Hermans, D.B. Bucher°, Microfluidic quantum sensing platform for lab-on-a-chip applictions. Lab-on-a-chip, Lab Chip, 22, 4831-4840 (2022)
- selected as hot & cover article:
(20) D.R. Allert, K.D. Briegel, D.B. Bucher°, Advances in nano- and microscale NMR spectroscopy using diamond quantum sensors. Chemical Communications, 58, 8165 - 8181 (2022)
- cover article:
(19) C. Qian, V. Villafañe, M. Schalk, G.V. Astakhov, U. Kentsch, M. Helm, P. Soubelet, N.P. Wilson, R. Rizzato, S. Mohr, D.B. Bucher, A.V. Stier, J.J. Finley, Unveiling the Zero-Phonon Line of the Boron Vacancy Center by Cavity Enhanced Emission. Nano Letters., 22, 13, 5137–5142 (2022)
(18) R. Rizzato, F. Bruckmaier, K.S. Liu, S. Glaser, D.B. Bucher°, Polarization transfer from optically pumped ensembles of NV centers to multinuclear spin baths, Phys. Rev. Applied, 17, 024067 (2022)
(17) K. Liu, A. Henning, M.W. Heindl, R.D. Allert, J.D. Bartl, I.D. Sharp, R. Rizzato, D.B. Bucher°, Surface NMR using quantum sensors in diamond, PNAS, 119, (5) e2111607119 (2022)
- see media coverage:
(16) F. Bruckmaier, K. Briegel, D .B. Bucher° Geometry dependence of micron-scale NMR signals on NV-diamond chips. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open, 100023 (2021)
(15) N. Arunkumar, D.B. Bucher, M. Turner, P. TomHon, D. Glenn, S. Lehmkuhl, M. Lukin, H. Park, M. Rosen, T. Theis, R.L. Walsworth, Micron-scale SABRE-enhanced NV-NMR Spectroscopy. PRX Quantum 2, 010305 (2021)
(14) D.B. Bucher°, D.R. Glenn, H. Park, M.D. Lukin, R.L. Walsworth° Hyperpolarization-enhanced NMR spectroscopy with femtomole sensitivity using quantum defects in diamond. Physical Review X, 10, 021053 (2020)
(13) C. Kufner, W. Zinth, D.B. Bucher°, UV‐Induced Charge Transfer States in Short Guanosine‐Containing DNA Oligonucleotides. ChemBioChem, 21, 1 –6 (2020), selected as "very important paper"
(12) D.B. Bucher°, Principes of Nano- and Microscale NMR Spectroscopy with NV-Diamond Sensors. eMagRes, 8, 1-8, 2019 ( )
(11) D.B. Bucher°, D.P.L. Aude Craik, M.P. Backlund, M. Turner, D.R. Glenn, R.L. Walsworth°, Quantum diamond spectrometer for nanoscale NMR and ESR spectroscopy. Nature Protocols, 14, 2707–2747 (2019)
(10) D.R. Glenn*, D.B. Bucher*, J. Lee, M.D. Lukin, H. Park, R.L. Walsworth, High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Using a Solid-State Spin Sensor, Nature, 555, 351-354 (2018)
(9) B.M. Pilles, B. Maerz, J. Chen, D.B. Bucher, P. Gilch, B. Kohler, B.P. Fingerhut, W. Zinth, J.S. Schreier, Decay Pathways of Thymine Revisited. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122, 4819-4828 (2018)
(8) D.B. Bucher, C. Kufner, A. Schlueter, T. Carell, W. Zinth, UV-Induced Charge-Transfer States in DNA Promote Sequence Selective Self-Repair. The Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, 186–190 (2016)
(7) L. Liu, B.M. Pilles, J. Gontcharov, D.B. Bucher, W. Zinth, Quantum Yield of Cyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimer Formation via the Triplet Channel Determined by Photo-Sensitization. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120, 292-298 (2016)
(6) D.B. Bucher, B.M. Pilles, T. Carell, W. Zinth, Dewar Lesion Formation in Single- and Double-Stranded DNA is Quenched by Neighboring Bases. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119, 8685-8692 (2015)
(5) B.M. Pilles, D.B. Bucher, P. Liu, P. Gilch, W. Zinth, W.J. Schreier, Identification of charge-separated states in thymine single strands. Chemical Communications 50, 15623-15626 (2014)
(4) D.B. Bucher, A. Schlueter, T. Carell, W. Zinth, Watson-Crick Base Pairing Controls the Excited State Decay in Natural DNA. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53, 11366-11369 (2014), Selected as “Very Important Paper”
(3) B. M. Pilles, D. B. Bucher, L. Liu, P. Clivio, P. Gilch, W. Zinth, W. J. Schreier, Mechanism of the Decay of Thymine Triplets in DNA Single Strands. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5, 1616-1622 (2014)
(2) D. B. Bucher, B.M. Pilles, T. Carell, W. Zinth, Charge separation and charge delocalization identified in long-living states of photoexcited DNA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, 4369-4374 (2014)
(1) D. B. Bucher, B. M. Pilles, T. Pfaffeneder, T. Carell, W. Zinth, Fingerprinting DNA oxidation processes: IR characterization of the 5-methyl-2´-deoxycytidine radical cation.
ChemPhysChem 15, 420-423 (2014)
Patents and patent applications
R. Walsworth, N. Arunkumar, C. Hart, D. Bucher, D. Glenn, M. Turner, M. Rosen, T. Theis, Systems and methods for quantum sensing with signal amplification by reversible exchange, US20230081886A1
R. Walsworth, N. Arunkumar, C. Hart, D. Bucher, D. Glenn, Systems and methods for quantum sensing using solid-state spin ensembles US Patent App. 17/829,551,
D. B. Bucher, R. Allert, A. Deeg, Parallelized probing of a plurality of samples in a self-organized structure, filed 2021, TUM
D. B. Bucher & A. Deeg, Parallelized magnetic sensing of samples using solid-state spin systems, International patent application, filed 2020, TUM
R. L. Walsworth, D. R. Glenn, D. B. Bucher, Synchronized-readout for narrowband detection of time-varying electromagnetic fields using solid state spins, US patent application 62/341,497 (filed 25 May 2016); International patent application PCT/US17/34256 (filed May 24th, 2017)
D. B. Bucher, B.M Pilles, T. Carell, W. Zinth, Photoinduced charge transfer occurs naturally in DNA. ULTRAFAST PHENOMENA XIX Book Series: Springer Proceedings in Physics 162, 568-571 (2015)