Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Ortmann


Prof. Ortmann's (*1980) field of research is the theoretical modelling of ground and excited states and their time dynamics. Here, quantum theoretical ab initio methods are developed for electron and spin transport as well as for optical spectroscopy. The main focus is on the description of excitonic effects and the electron-phonon interaction. Typical material systems range from small molecules, polymers and organic photovoltaic blends to crystals or novel 2D materials.

Prof. Ortmann studied physics and received his doctorate with "summa cum laude" from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena in 2009. He then went to the CEA Grenoble as a postdoc, where he was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship in 2010. In 2011, he moved to the ICN2 Barcelona and in 2013 to the TU Dresden. There he established an Emmy Noether Young Investigator Group from 2014 and was group leader at the Cluster of Excellence cfaed from 2017. In 2020, Prof. Ortmann was appointed to the professorship Theoretical Methods in Spectroscopy at TUM.


  • Emmy Noether Young Investigator Group by the DFG (2014)
  • Marie-Curie Fellowship from the European Commission (2010)
  • Finalist of the Dissertation Award of the German Physical Society, Condensed Matter Section (2010)
  • Rhode & Schwarz Faculty Award (2006)