12.12.2024 | Many congratulations to Matthias for the successful, summa cum laude, defense of his PhD thesis! |
22.11.2024 | We are excited to announce that our CRC TrackAct with colleagues from KIT and DESY will be funded for another four years! |
15.11.2024 | Congratulations to Barbara on receiving the Ernst Haage Prize for Chemistry! |
14.11.2024 | Congratulations to Johanna for receiving the CRC Best Paper Award for her publication: A Critical View on the Quantification of Model Catalyst Activity! |
11.11.2024 | We welcome Laurène Cristol from the University of Lyon who is visiting our group. | |
16.09.2024 | Marina de la Higuera Domingo is starting in our group today as a new PhD student. Welcome to Munich! | |
04.07.2024 | We welcome Monty Cross from the Imperial College London who is visiting our group. | |
10.06.2024 | Welcome to Nathan Durand-Brousseau from the University of British Columbia, visiting us for the summer through the PREP program. | |
01.05.2024 | A warm welcome to Mina Soltanmohammadi. She joins our group as a PhD student at the VT-SPM. | |
05.04.2024 | Congratulations to Johanna on her publication A Critical View on the Quantification of Model Catalyst Activity in Topics in Catalysis. | |
22.03.2024 | After two years as a postdoc in the group, we say goodbye to Birgitta. What a journey it has been: Birgitta leaves behind a working LT-STM, having found an empty lab under renovation and a huge stack of crates and boxes when she arrived. We wish Birgitta all the best for her future! | |
20.03.2024 | Many congratulation to Florian on receiving a prestigious Erwin Schrödinger Scholarship! In his project, he will investigate the dynamics of catalysts under NAP conditions. | |
15.02.2024 | Welcome to Gaurav Anand! He joins the group as a post doc, taking care of the new NAP-XPS. | |
30.01.2024 | We welcome Umi Shin from the University of Tokyo in Japan who is visiting our group to learn about NAP-STM. |
22.01.2024 | Together with Verena Streibel from the WSI, Barbara organized a Workshop on "Advanced Spectroscopy for Energy Storage & Conversion" on 18th and 19th January 2024. It was held in the venerable halls of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities and hosted nearly 60 researchers from Munich and all over Europe. In addition to fostering discussions amongst scientists, it also served as a kick-off event for the new NAP-XPS facility. You can find further information at the website of e-conversion. |
18.12.2023 | Our group is organizing a Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy for Energy Storage & Conversion at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities January 18-19. The program includes many exciting talks from Invited Speakers in the field. |
15.12.2023 | The new e-conversion NAP-XPS has arrived and is currently being installed in our labs. We are excited to perform the first experiments on this nice new toy! For more images, check out our gallery! |
27.11.2023 | We welcome Jiming Liu in the group. He is supporting the NAP-STM lab with a research internship. |
23.10.2023 | Welcome to Agnieszka Jarosz and Emily Weidner, both joining the group for their Bachelor's theses. |
23.08.2023 | Have a look at our new article about the On-Surface Carbon Nitride Growth from Polymerization of 2,5,8-Triazido-s-heptazine in Chemistry of Materials. |
16.06.2023 | Congratulation to Barbara for receiving the Lecturer Award of the Chemical Industry Fund (Dozentenpreis des Fonds der Chemischen Industrie). As the sponsoring organization of the German Chemical Industry Association, the Chemical Industry Fund supports chemistry education in schools, young scientists, and fundamental research in chemistry and chemistry-related disciplines. |
27.04.2023 | We welcome Sofia Beliakova in the group. She is supporting the NAP-STM lab with a research internship. |
21.04.2023 | Sebastian and Johanna published in ACS Catalysis about the question Does Cluster Encapsulation Inhibit Sintering? Stabilization of Size-Selected Pt Clusters on Fe3O4(001) by SMSI. Congratulations! |
13.04.2023 | Have a look at Lang Xu's new publicantion on the Formation of active sites on transition metals through reaction-driven migration of surface atoms in Science. Also check out the press release. |
20.03.2023 | A warm welcome to Mohammad Salehi. He is our new PhD student and will work on the LT-STM setup together with Birgitta. |
01.03.2023 | Welcome to Alex Nitsche, our new internship student. |
12.12.2022 | Check out Karl's publication about the PyfastSPM: A Python package to convert 1D FastSPM data streams into publication quality movies in SoftwareX. The software we use to convert the raw data from our FastSTM into movie files - with all the necessary corrections - is presented in this work. |
01.12.2022 | We welcome Matthias Füchsl in the group. He will support us as a student assistant. |
19.09.2022 | Congratulations to Philip Petzoldt on his publication about Tuning Strong Metal–Support Interaction Kinetics on Pt-Loaded TiO2(110) by Choosing the Pressure: A Combined Ultrahigh Vacuum/Near-Ambient Pressure XPS Study in The Journal of Physical Chemisty C. |
16.09.2022 | Welcome to Julius Needham, a new visitor from the Technical University of Denmark. |
05.09.2022 | We welcome Nils Refvik, another visitor from the University of Alberta. |
08.08.2022 | Have a look at the article about Nereida Abad-Yang from Imperial College London, who is visiting our group through the TUM PREP exchange program. |
27.06.2022 | Welcome to Sabrina Duswald, joining the group in the new LT-STM Lab for a research internship. |
15.06.2022 | We welcome Howe Simpson from the University of Alberta. He visits us for two months through the ATUMS program. |
01.04.2022 | We welcome Birgitta Müller who is joining the group as a postdoc and Elena Bittner our new student assistant. |
01.02.2022 | Welcome to our new postdoc Florian Kraushofer. |
29.11.2021 | We welcome Elisabeth Springl who joins us for a research internship. |
04.10.2021 | Aya Haj Abdulkader is joining the group for a research internship. Welcome! |
20.09.2021 | We welcome Johanna Plansky as a new PhD student. |
16.07.2021 | We congratulate Sebastian on his publication about Cluster Catalysis with Lattice Oxygen: Tracing Oxygen Transport from a Magnetite (001) Support onto Small Pt Clusters in ACS Catalysis. |
14.06.2021 | We welcome Moritz Bohn who joins the group for a research internship. |
12.04.2021 | Alina Bach is joining the group for a research internship. Welcome! |
01.03.2021 | We welcome Vivian Meier. She is joinig the group for a research internship. |
01.02.2021 | We welcome Matthias Krinninger as a new PhD student. |
02.11.2020 | Our new Aarhus NAP-STM by Specs has arrived in our Lab at TUM. |
02.11.2020 | We welcome Olha Popova to the group as a postdoc. |