Dr. Gianluca Pauletto
SYPOX project leader
Catalysis Research Center and Chemistry Department
Technische Universität München
Lichtenbergstraße 4
85748 Garching, Germany
since 2021 | SYPOX project leader, Technical Chemistry II, Technical University of Munich, DE |
2018 - 2020 | PhD, Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, Universite de Montreal, CA |
2018 - 2020 | Visiting PhD, Technical Chemistry II, Technical University of Munich, DE |
2016 | Research stay, Instituto Químico de Sarrià – Barcelona, ES |
2015 - 2016 | MEng, Chemical and Process Engineering, Universita’ di Padova, IT |
2011 - 2015 | BEng, Chemical and Material Engineering, Universita’ di Padova, IT |
Catalyst and reactor design for natural gas conversion into syngas. Short contact time catalytic partial oxidation for applications in GtL technologies. Development of resistive heated reactors for direct electrification of high temperature reactions (steam methane reforming, steam cracking, reverse water gas shift and ammonia cracking). Development and integration of electrically heated reactors in process schemes for hydrogen, methanol, ethylene, and propylene production.
[1] Galli F., Lai J.-J. , De Tommaso J., Pauletto G., Patience G. S., (2021), Gas to Liquids Techno-Economics of Associated Natural Gas, Bio Gas, and Landfill Gas, Processes, 9, 1568. -DOI
[2] Mion A., Galli F., Mocellin P., Guffanti S., Pauletto G., (2022). Electrified methane reforming decarbonises methanol synthesis. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 58, 101911. -DOI
[3] Maporti D., Nardi R., Guffanti S., Vianello C., Mocellin P., Pauletto G., (2022). Techno-economic Analysis of Electrified Biogas Reforming. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 96, 163-168. -DOI
[4] Basini L.E., Furesia F., Baumgärtl M., Mondelli N., Pauletto G., (2022), CO2 capture and utilization (CCU) by integrating water electrolysis, electrified reverse water gas shift (E-RWGS) and methanol synthesis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 377, 1, 134280. -DOI