
Ilona Krüger graduated as a PhD with the topic: Synthesis and Characterization of Phosphor-Olivines

Claudia Ott  starts her PhD on the topic: Synthesis and characterization of 3rd period transitionmetal pnictides for energy usage.

Ebru Üzer starts her PhD on the topic: inorganic-organic hybrid materials for thermoelectrics.

Hülya Avci starts her Master's Thesis.

Korbinian Köhler starts his Master's Thesis.

Julia Kröger, Felix Reiter and Thomas Wylezich start their Master's Thesis.

HäKo 2015

26.03. - 28.03.2015 das 50. Hemdsärmelkolloquium findet an der TU München statt.

Ulrike Kahl starts her Master's Thesis.

Cu6Te3S – a Cu-filled Cr3Si-structure variant Malte Giller, Carolin Grotz, Brent W. Rudyk, Arthur Mar, Tom Nilges Z. Kristallogr. 2014, accepted.

Claudia Ott starts her Master's Thesis.