Dr. Mirza Cokoja

Habilitant in the AMC team

Associated Researcher in the Catalysis Research Center (CRC)

Scientific Coordinator of the CRC

Webpage of the Cokoja group

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Research Interests

Biphase Catalysis, Ionic liquids, Colloids, Supramolecular Aggregates, Epoxidations, CO2 Activation, Selective Hydrogenations


Since 2018 Habilitant at the Chair of Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry.
Since 2009 Researcher at the TUM Department of Chemistry.
2008-2009 Postdoc (Alexander von Humboldt fellowship) with Bruno Chaudret, Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination – CNRS Toulouse, France: "Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of bimetallic Cobalt-Aluminum Nanoparticles".
2003-2007 Promotion (Dr. rer.nat.) at the Ruhr-University Bochum (summa cum laude): "Nanometallurgy in Organic Solution: Organometallic Synthesis of Intermetallic Transition Metal Aluminide and -Zincide Nanoparticles". Mentor: Roland A. Fischer.
1998-2003 Study of Chemistry (Dipl.-Chem.) at the Ruhr-University Bochum.


Grants and Awards


Jochen-Block Prize of the German Catalysis Society


Feodor-Lynen-Postdoc grant of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation


35 publications as independent researcher, h-index = 45, >7900 citations (Source: Google Scholar, Feb 23rd, 2024)

Publications of Mirza Cokoja          Full list of publications

Teaching Activities