Roland A. Fischer
Name: Roland Augustinus Fischer
Date of birth: 27.08.1961
Place of birth: Rosenheim
1981-1986 | Study of Chemistry (Dipl.-Chem.) at Technical University of Munich (TUM) |
1989 | Promotion, Dr. rer. nat.; Mentor: Prof. W. A. Herrmann, TUM: "Contributions to the Coordination Chemistry of Alkynes at Rhenium: Synthesis, Structures and Reactivity" |
1989-1990 | Post-Doc with Prof. H. D. Kaesz, University of California, Los Angeles: "MOCVD of Pt- and Cu thin films" |
1995 | Habilitation, Dr. rer. nat. habil. (Chemistry) at TUM: "Transition Metal subtituted Alanes, Gallanes and Indanes: Synthesis, Reactivity, Structures: molecular sources for Chemical Vapour Deposition of binary intermetallic phases" |
>650 original publications, including review articles (25), excluding patents (10)
h-index = 95, >38,700 citations (data taken from Scopus on Apr 26th, 2024)
Selected Functions in Research
1997-1999 | Co-chair German American Frontiers of Science Symposia |
2000-2012 | Board of DFG Research Centre 558, “Metal Support Interaction in Heterogeneous Catalysis”; Vice Speaker 2009 – 2012 |
2001-2007 | Initiator and Coordinator, DFG Priority Program 1119 „CVD-Materials“ |
2001-2013 | Board of EUROCVD Conferences and Organizer of EUROCVD-XV (2005, Bochum) |
2006-2009 | Co-chair of EU STREP “SURMOF” (6th FP) |
since 2006 | Board of Trustees of the Chemical Industry Fund, Germany |
2006-2009 | Speaker, Ruhr University Research School (Excellence Initiative, GSC 98/I) |
2007-2015 | Advisory Board, International Graduate School of Science & Engineering (IGSSE, TUM) |
2008-2014 | Board of DFG Priority Program 1362 “Metal-Organic Frameworks” |
2009-2013 | Coordinator, EU Marie Curie ITN “ENHANCE” |
since 2010 | Visiting Professor at iCeMS Kyoto ( |
since 2011 | Visiting Professor at IIT Bombay ( |
2012-2015 | Speaker, Ruhr University Research School Plus (Excellence Initiative, GSC 98/II) |
2012-2016 | Member, DFG Senate Commission on Collaborative Research Centers |
2015-2018 | Coordinator, EU Marie Curie ITN “DEFNET” (Horizon 2020) |
2016-2021 | Vice President, German Research Foundation (DFG) |
2016-2022 | Initiator and Coordinator, DFG Priority Program 1928 „COORNETs“ |
Selected Functions in Academia
1996-1997 | Associate Professor for Inorganic Chemistry at the University Heidelberg |
1997-2015 | Full Professor for Inorganic and Materials Chemistry at the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) |
since 2016 | Full Professor at the Chair for Inorganic and Metallorganic chemistry at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) |
2000-2002 | Vice-Rector for Teaching Affairs at RUB (Undergraduate and Graduate Studies) |
2001 | Referee within the Program „Forschungsdozenturen“ of the Stifterverband |
2002 | Referee within the Program „Reformstudiengänge“ of the Stifterverband |
2003-2008 | Member of the Commission for International Affairs of the Germans Rector´s Conference |
2003-2004 | Member of the Group of National Bologna-Promotors of DAAD |
2003-2005 | Referee for ZeVA, "Begleitevaluation B/M-Reform Lehrerbildung in Lower Saxony" |
2004-2012 | Head of "Alfried Krupp Schülerlabor" at RUB |
2005-2008 | Dean and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry & Biochemistry at RUB |
2008-2012 | National Jury Member Jugend Forscht |
2008-2015 | German National Academic Foundation, Liaison Docent |
Stipends & Awards
1981-1986 | Stipend for highly gifted students of the State of Bavaria |
1984-1986 | Stipend of the German National Academic Foundation |
1989 | TUM-Award for outstanding dissertations (TU Munich) |
1989 | Study Award of the Chemical Industry Fund |
1989-1990 | Feodor Lynen Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation |
1990-1992 | Liebig Fellowship of the Chemical Industry Fund |
1992-1995 | Habilitation Fellowship of the German Research Foundation |
1993 | Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz Award of the Federal Minister for Education and Research for "Chemistry and Physics of Thin Films" |
1995-1997 | Fellowship of the Karl-Winnacker Foundation |
1996 | Alfried Krupp Award for young University Professors |
2010 2017 | JSPS guest professor at Kyoto University (Host: Susumu Kitagawa) Dr. phil. h.c. from Ruhr-University Bochum |
Editorial Activities
active: | Angewandte Chemie, Chemical Vapour Deposition |
previously: | Dalton Transactions, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry |