Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach, GAMM (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik), Mathematical Analysis on Nonlinear Systems, "Quantum information processing based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)", "Optimal control in experimental NMR quantum information processing and in NMR spectroscopy", Oberwolfach, Germany (5 Nov)
International Summer School on Quantum Information (ISSQUI), Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, "Optimal Control of spin systems in NMR spectroscopy and quantum computing", Dresden, Germany (19-30 Sept)
Central European NMR Metting, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, "Exploring the Physical Limits of NMR Experiments" (8 Sep)
Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Symposium on NMR application in polymer and biopolymer science, "Relaxation-Optimized NMR Experiments" (29 Aug)
Caltech, Center for the Physics of Information, Summer School on Principles and Applications of Control in Quantum Systems, Pasadena, USA (8 Aug)
TUM, Festkörper-Kolloquium der Fakultät für Physik, "Optimal Control in Magnetic Resonance and Quantum Computing", Garching, Germany (7 July)
CeNS (Center for Nano Science), "Optimal Control of Coupled Spin Systems: From Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to Charge Qubits", Munich, Germany (1 July)
Gordon Research Conference on Magnetic Resonance, "Exploring the Physical Limits of Pulse Sequence Design", New London, CT, USA (7 June)
Kolloquium DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm QIV (Quanteninformationsverarbeitung), Physik-Zentrum Bad Honnef, "Optimal Control and Quantum Computing: Magnetic Resonance and Beyond", Bad Honnef, Germany (3 June)
Curso de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear, Understanding NMR Pulse Sequences, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (16-21 Apr)
UCSF (University of California, San Francisco), "Exploring the Physical Limits of NMR: Relaxation-Optimized Spectroscopy", San Francisco, CA, USA (19 Apr)
Chemical Physics Seminar, "Exploring the Physical Limits of NMR Experiments", Berkeley, CA, USA (18 Apr)
ENC (Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference), New Methods in Solution State NMR, "STAR Echoes and Broadband Relaxation-Optimized Polarization Transfer", Providence, RI, USA (13 Apr)
University of Aarhus, "Optimal Control in Magnetic Resonance", Aarhus, Denmark (11 Mar)
GIF Meeting (German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development), Novel Approaches in Magnetic Resonance: Fundamentals and Applications, Dead Sea, Israel, "Optimal Control of Coupled Spin Systems: NMR Spectroscopy and Quantum Computing" (23 Feb)
Physikalisches Seminar, "Spielzeugpendel und Quantenmechanik: Eine klassische Analogie zur Simulation der Dynamik gekoppelter Spins", Universität Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany (16 Dec)
Quantenforum, "Optimal control of spin dynamics in magnetic resonance and quantum computing", Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany (18 Nov)
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Physical Chemistry Seminar, "Exploring the Physical Limits of Quantum Control in NMR", Munich, Germany (Nov 3)
Caltech Center for the Physics of Information, Workshop on Principles and Applications of Control in Quantum Systems, "Exploring the Physical Limits of Quantum Evolution in NMR", Pasadena, USA (Aug 21)
EMBO Practical Course: Multidimensional NMR in Structural Biology, "TOCSY, Adiabatic Pulses, Decoupling", Il Ciocco, Italy (Aug 15-20)
RRR Workshop, 1. "Multiple Pulse Sequences: Theory and Applications" (5 Aug), 2. "Optimal Control Theory and NMR: Exploring the Physical Limits of Pulse Sequence Performance" (6 Aug), 3. "NMR Quantum Computing", Osaka, Japan (Aug 7)
Harvard Medical School, "Exploring the Physical Limits of NMR: Relaxation-Optimized Spectroscopy", Boston, USA (July 23)
Interdisziplinäres Seminar über nicht-lineare Dynamik komplexer Systeme, Universität Würzburg, "Optimale Steuerung von Spinsystemen: Kernresonanz und Quantencomputer", Würzburg, Germany (June 18)
MPI für Biophysikalische Chemie, 1. "Exploring the Physical Limits of Quantum Evolution", 2. "Introduction to Average Hamiltonian Theory", Göttingen, Germany (June 9)
Perspectives Workshop Quantum Computing, "Relaxation-Optimized Coherence Transfer", Schloss Dagstuhl, Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik, Germany (May 10)
Berlin Magnetic Resonance Seminar, FMP, "Relaxation Optimized Coherence Transfer", Berlin, Germany (Dec 15)
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: "NMR Quantum Computing and Quantum Control", Munich, Germany (Nov 20)
Kolloquium High-Field EPR in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, "Exploring the physical limits of quantum evolution", Hirschegg, Germany (Sept 22)
Kolloquium DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm QIV (Quanteninformationsverarbeitung), "Experimental NMR Quantum Computing", Hünfeld, Germany(Jan 28)
IEEE CDC (Conference on Decision and Control), Workshop on quantum control, Las Vegas, USA (Dec 8-9)
CIC Workshop, GDCh Fachgruppe Chemie-Information-Computer, "NMR-Quantencomputer: Rechnen mit Kernspins", Berlin, Germany (Nov 11)
European Workshop on QIPC (Quantum Information Processing and Communication), Trinity College, "Time-Optimal Control of Quantum Dynamics and NMR Quantum Computing", Dublin, Ireland (Sept 17)
EENC (European Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference), New Topics in High-resolution NMR in Liquids: "Pulse sequence design based on optimal control theory: Geodesic pulses and effective soliton operators", Prague, Czech Republic (June 14)
Universität Dortmund: "NMR quantum computing and time-optimal control", Dortmund, Germany (May 14)
Universität Stuttgart, Systems and Control Seminar "Optimal control of quantum dynamics: Nuclear magnetic resonance and quantum computing" (May 5)
ENC (Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference), Asilomar, CA, USA, Emerging Techniques and Instrumentation: "Time-optimal pulse sequence design: Coherence transfer based on geodesic pulses and effective soliton operators" (Apr 16)
Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, "Optimal control theory and NMR pulse sequence design" (Apr 11)
Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, "Time-optimal pulse sequences and beyond" (Apr 10)
Kolloquium DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm QIV (Quanteninformationsverarbeitung), Physik-Zentrum Bad Honnef, "NMR quantum computing and time-optimal control", Bad Honnef, Germany (Jan 30)
NOSTAC Workshop (Non Standard Computing and Cryptography), Weyberhoefe, "NMR quantum computing", Sailauf, Germany (Jan 21)
International Workshop on Optimal Control of Quantum Dynamics, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, "Optimal Control in NMR Spectroscopy and NMR Quantum Computing" (Dec 12)
TU Darmstadt, "NMR-Quantencomputer: Rechnen mit Kernspins" (Nov 5)
Universität Hannover, "Entwicklung und Anwendung massgeschneiderter NMR-Experimente: Zucker, Pendel und Quantencomputer" (Oct 30)
GDCh-Jahrestagung Chemie, Karl-Ziegler-Stiftungssymposium, "NMR Quantum Computers: Computing with Molecules" (Sep 28)
Universität Bayreuth, Physik-Kolloquium, "NMR-Quantencomputer: Rechnen mit Kernspins", Bayreuth, Germany (May 22)
Universität Karlsruhe, Interfakultatives Seminar Quantencomputing, "NMR-Quantencomputer: Rechnen mit Kernspins", Karlsruhe, Germany (May 14)
Universität Stuttgart, GDCh-Kolloquium, "NMR-Quantencomputer", Stuttgart, Germany (May 10)
Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Laser Seminar, "NMR quantum computing", Garching, Germany (May 8)
MIT, NMR-Symposium, "Homonuclear coherence transfer experiments in the presence of residual dipolar couplings", Cambridge, USA (March 20)
Dartmouth College, "Residual dipolar couplings", Hannover, USA, (March 19)
European Science Foundation (ESF) Mini Meeting on NMR Quantum Computation, "NMR Quantum Computing with 5 Qubits", Bristol, UK (March 3)
Universität Heidelberg, Physik-Seminar, Heidelberg, Germany (Jan 31)
Carlsberg Laboratories, "Optimising NMR Pulse Sequences: Theory and Applications", Kopenhagen, Denmark (Jan 29)
Danish NMR Meeting, "NMR Quantum Computing", Odense, Denmark (Jan 26)
Kolloquium DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm QIV (Quanteninformationsverarbeitung), "NMR-Quantencomputer: Synthese modularer Verbindungen und experimentelle Implementierung von Quantenalgorithmen", Hünfeld, Germany (Jan 18)