Industrielle Chemische Prozesse I

Dozent Prof. Dr. Johannes A. Lercher
Zielgruppe Masterstudium Chemie und Chemieingenieurwesen
Zeitraum Wintersemester 2020/2021
Zeit online
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Industrial Catalysis

Catalysis is the backbone of more than 80% of the production of fuels andchemicals. The course highlights the most important processes by combiningthe general process outline with specific information on the catalysts usedand the operating conditions. Following an overall introduction to thesubject the course covers a detailed overview of the catalytic processes inthe petrochemical, refining and chemical industry. The topics discussedinclude catalytic cracking and reforming, steam reforming, partialoxidation, dry and autothermal reforming, light olefin production, synthesisof base chemicals (ammonia, sulfuric acid, nitric acid), processes inchemical synthesis (Selective oxidation, amine synthesis, selectivehydrogenation, chiral synthesis) and catalysis for energy production. Themain emphasis is to relate elementary steps on the active site of thecatalysts and concepts such as rate determining steps, mass and heattransport to the industrial process in a large-scale reactor.The course is completed with an excursion to a chemical producer or arefinery.


Skript 1

Skript 2

Video 1

Video 2