Willkommen auf der Hompage der AG Stein

Wir beschäftigen uns mit der theoretischen Beschreibung physikochemischer Prozesse an Grenzflächen, entwickeln neue Modelle und Algorithmen und wenden diese auf aktuelle Fragestellungen an.

Insbesondere sind wir daran interessiert zu verstehen, wie wir derartige fundamentale Phänomene nutzen können, um Energiematerialien wie Batterien und Katalysatoren robuster, effizienter und nachhaltiger zu gestalten.

Wir freuen uns zudem, die Abschlussarbeiten von Bachelorand*innen und Masterand*innen zu betreuen und werden auch immer wieder Stellen für wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte ausschreiben.

Bei Interesse können Sie uns gerne jederzeit kontaktieren!





  • We have a new group member: Welcome Alessandro Mangiameli! Alessandro started his PhD in the Stein Group in September.
  • STC 2023: The Stein Group presented the freshest results from the group's research at the 59th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Zürich. It has been a fantastic conference with lots of fascinating talks and science and great people. 
  • Workshop in Raitenhaslach: From 24th to 28th July, the entire Stein Group attended a workshop about scientific communication and proposal writing at the TUM Science and Study Center Raitenhaslach. It has been a fantastic week with many exciting talks, seminars, tutorials, sports, and fun in an impressive monastic environment.
  • We welcome Matthias Knechtges and Sabrina Duswald in the group. Matthias will support us as a student assistant, and Sabrina will be conducting her research internship in our group. 
  • Christopher Stein has been appointed as a member of the ChemPhysChem's Early Career Advisory Board: Christopher joins the Early Career Advisory Board of ChemPhysChem (Chemistry Europe/Wiley) in 2023. Congratulations! Please see the website of Chemistry Europe for more details.

  • KPS Retreat 2022 in Braunschweig: The AG Stein presented their latest results  from the group's research at the first KPS Retreat in Braunschweig. It has been a fantastic conference with excellent talks and great people. Thanks to the organization team (Proppe Group) in Braunschweig. We are looking forward to the "KPS Retreat 2023" in Darmstadt next year organized by the Krewald Group.