All year round: Hochdurchsatzmethoden und -verfahren NAT0125

In diesem Kurs erwerben Studierende Fähigkeiten die zum Aufbau eigener Hochdurchsatzanlagen oder deren Nutzung notwendig sind. Hierzu werden wir die wesentlichen Paper des Feldes kritisch reviewen und in der Anwendung nutzen. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss dieses Moduls sind die Teilnehmenden in der Lage, Konzepte der kombinatorischen Materialforschung zu verstehen und anzuwenden, um chemische Daten effektiv zu gewinnen und diese zu interpretieren.

Findet statt im Seminarraum in CH62107 immer Mittwochs 9:15

In this course, students will acquire the skills necessary to build or use their own high-throughput systems. To this end, we will critically review the key papers in the field and utilize them in application. Upon successful completion of this module, students will be able to understand and apply concepts of combinatorial materials research to effectively acquire and interpret chemical data.

Takes place in the seminar room in CH62107 every Wednesday 9:15 a.m.

All year round: Seminar and current topics in the Digital Catalysis NAT0126

Our group seminar takes place once a week, offering a platform to discuss current topics and publications. Please ask about the specific dates and times, as these may change frequently.



Announcements: Key updates and information.

Administrative Matters: General administrative issues.

Talks: Each session includes one-three 10-minute talks, organized by Qiaomin Ke.

Shared To-Do Lists: Collaborative tasks and projects.

Students/Teaching: Updates related to student activities and teaching.

Ordering Larger Items: Coordination for purchasing equipment and other significant items.

Weekly Social Group Activities: Planning for social events and team-building activities.


Feel free to join us and participate in our discussions and activities!