Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bach
Technical University Munich
Chair of Organic Chemistry I
Lichtenbergstraße 4
85747 Garching
Tel.: +49 (0)89 289 13330
Fax.: +49 (0)89 289 13315
Email: thorsten.bach(at)
curriculum vitae (overview)
Born 1965 in Ludwigshafen/Rhein
Undergraduate Studies in Heidelberg and Los Angeles (USC, G.A. Olah)
Dr. rer. nat. (Kekulé Fellowship) 1989-1991 (Univ. Marburg, M.T. Reetz)
Postdoctoral Research (NATO Fellowship) 1991-1992 (Harvard Univ., D.A.Evans)
Independent Research (Habilitation) 1992-1996 (Univ. Münster)
Professor (Universität Marburg) 1997-2000
Professor (TU Munich) since 2000
Elected Member of the German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina (Halle, Saale) since 2006
Elected Member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Munich) since 2009
ADUC Jahrespreis für Habilitanden 1995
Dozentenstipendium des FCI 1997
AstraZeneca Research Award 2001
Novartis European Young Investigator Award 2003
Degussa Award for Chirality in Chemistry 2006
ERC Advanced Grant 2015
JSPS Fellowship 2016
Horst Pracejus Prize 2017
Emil Fischer Medal 2018
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award 2020
Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award 2023
Novartis Lectureship 2003
Boehringer Ingelheim Lectureship 2009
Honda-Fujishima Lectureship 2014
Jerome A. Berson Lecture 2016
Victor J. Chambers Lectureship 2019
Theoder Förster Memorial Lecture 2022
Adolf Lieben Lectureship 2023
H. J. Backer Lecture 2024