Prof. Dr. Reinhard Niessner
Curriculum Vitae
Reinhard Niessner, Full Professor for Analytical Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, was born in 1951. He received the diploma degree in chemistry from the University of Freiburg in 1976 and PhD from the University of Dortmund 1981. After becoming a lecturer in 1985, he served from 1986 to 1989 as a Professor for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry at the University of Dortmund. Refusing several calls to different academic and industrial positions, he finally accepted 1989 a call for his position as Head of the Institute and Chair holder in Munich. He became retired by March 31, 2017.
His research interests are within Environmental Analytical Chemistry, especially devoted to applications of laser spectroscopy, nanoparticle characterization, and microarray technologies. The main subjects of interest are aerosols, hydrocolloids and biofilms, within hydro- and atmosphere.
He received several international and highly prestigious awards, e.g. the Emanuel-Merck-Prize for Analytical Chemistry (1990), the Smoluchowski-Award for Aerosol Research of the Association for Aerosol Research (1991), the Fritz-Pregl-Medal of the Austrian Society for Analytical Chemistry (1996), the Fresenius-Award for Analytical Chemistry of the German Chemical Society (2000) and the Clemens-Winkler-Medal (Analytical Division of GDCh, 2019).
Professor Niessner was serving in many national and international scientific organisations, e.g. within IUPAC as a Titular Member and the European Research Council. He was also within the Board of Directors of the Clean Air Commission of the German Engineers Association (VDI/DIN), the Hydrochemical Division of the German Chemical Society, Association for Aerosol Research, and a member of the Senate Commission for Water Research of the German Research Society. Currently he is a member on the Committee for Consumer Products (German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin).
He was an associated editor of the ACS journal „Analytical Chemistry“, and still is a member within the advisory or editorial board of „Analytical Sciences“, „Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry“, „Fresenius Environmental Bulletin“, „Talanta”, „International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry“ and „Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry“, some years ago also within the board of „Aerosol, Science & Technology“, „Analyst“, „Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry“, „Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology“, and „Microchimica Acta“.
Up to now 655 scientific publications under his authorship appeared in reviewed international scientific journals. Under his guidance 163 PhD and 200 Master/Diploma students have successfully received their academic qualification. Seven habilitation theses became successfully defended (analytical chemistry, air chemistry & hydrogeology).