
DigiCat welcomes new members!

The lectures and and new people start their journey in digital catalysis with projects ranging from understanding the complex data analysis of battery tests to deploying data management on a grand scale! This month we have 5 new people start!

We're super excited to welcome 5 new members to the team!

We're excited to welcome:

Dr. Frederic Felsen who will continue his research on optimization and bringing together theory and experiment as well as data management.

Julius Störk who will do his Master Thesis project with us on further developing the Scanning Droplet Cell!

Florian Gollmann who will be doing his internhip and try to come up with calibration methods for our solid and liquid dispensing system.

Leopold Blahusch who will try to discover new stable catalysts using machine learning!

 Radzivon Tsintasavitski who will analyze electrochemical data to understand batteries better!