Chairs & Professorships
- Chair of Electron Microscopy with research emphasis on Energy Materials (Prof. Willinger | PC8)
- Assistant Professorship of Functional Nanomaterials (Prof. Lechner | PC7)
- Associate Professorship of Dynamic Spectroscopy (Prof. Hauer | PC6)
- Chair of Physical Chemistry (Prof. Heiz | PC1)
- Associate Professorship of Physical Chemistry with Focus on Catalysis (Prof. Günther | PC5)
- Professorship for quantum sensing (Prof. Bucher | 001)
- Chair of Technical Electrochemistry (Prof. Gasteiger | PC4)
- Assistant Profesorship of Theoretical Methods in Spectroscopy (Prof. Ortmann | TH7)
- Theoretische Chemie (Prof. Stein | 002)