Former University Lecturers and TUM Junior Fellows
Antes, Prof Dr. Iris † - Theoretical Biochemistry, Protein Modelling
Arenz, Prof. Dr. Matthias - Physical Chemistry, electro-catalysis
Bacher, Prof. Dr. Adelbert - Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Bachmann, Prof. Dr. Luis
Baumann, Prof. Dr. Thomas - Wasserchemie
Baumgärtner, Prof. Dr. em. Franz † - Radiochemistry
Becker, Prof. Dr. Christian - Biochemistry, Protein Chemistry
Bloch, Prof. Konrad - Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine, TUM Honorary Professor
Bondybey, Prof. Dr. Vladimir † - Physical Chemistry
Burkert, Prof. Dr. Paul
Bösl-von Grafenstein, apl. Prof. Dr. Ulrich - Physical Chemistry
Camilloni, Prof. Dr. Carlo - Integrative Structural Biology
Dialer, Prof. Dr. Kurt † - Chemical Technology
Domcke, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang - Theoretical Chemistry
Dömling, PD Dr. Alexander - Organic Chemistry, Multicomponent Reactions
Dörr, Prof. Dr. Friedrich † - Physical Chemistry
Eckert, PD Dr. Heiner - Organic Chemistry, Chemical Syntheses
Engel, Dr. Benjamin -Helmholtz Pioneer Campus Helmholtz Center Munich
Eppinger, FD Dr. Jörg - Molecular Catalysis, Organometallic Chemistry, Enzymology
Ernst, Prof. Richard - Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry, TUM Honorary Professor
Firl, Prof. Dr. Joachim
Fischer, em. Prof. Dr. Ernst Otto - Inorganic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry
Fontain, PD Eric - Organic Chemistry
Fritz, Prof. Dr. H.P. † - Anorganische Chemie
Funeriu, Dr. Daniel - Complex Biochemcial Systems, Microarray Technologies
Grüneis, Prof. Dr. Andreas - Assistant Professorship of Computational Solid State / Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Chemistry
Gulder, Prof. Dr. Tanja - Biomimetic Catalysis
Gulder, Prof. Dr. Tobias A. M. - Biosystems Chemistry
Heinrich, Prof. Dr. Markus - Organic Synthesis, Fluorine Chemistry, Radical Chemistry
Herdtweck, Dr Eberhard - Inorganic Chemistry
Herrmann, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang A. - Inorganic Chemistry
Heusinger, Prof. Dr. Helmut †
Hofacker, Prof. Dr. Ludwig † - Theoretical Chemistry
Huber, Prof. Dr. Robert - Biochemistry, X-Ray Protein Crystallography
Huber, Dr. Stefan - Organic Chemistry
Härter, apl. Prof. Dr Peter - Analytical Chemistry
Itzen, Prof. Dr. Aymelt - Biochemistry, Protein Chemistry
Jordan, Prof. Dr. Rainer - Polymer Chemistry - Polymers at Surfaces, Colloid Systems, Functional Polymers
Jutz, Prof. Dr. Christian
Kaila, Prof. Dr. Ville - Theoretical Chemistry
Kandler, Prof. Otto - TUM Honorary Professor
Karsch, apl. Prof. Dr. Hans H. - Inorganic Chemistry
Kerber, Prof. Dr. Robert †- Macromolecular substances
Kessler, Prof. Dr. Horst - Organic Chemisty, NMR spectroscopy
Kiefhaber, Prof. Dr. Thomas - Biophysical Chemistry, Dynamics and Folding of Proteins
Killmann, Prof. Dr. Erwin - Chemical Technology
Kirsch, Prof. Dr. Stefan - Organometallic Chemistry, Bioorganic Chemistry, Total Synthesis
Knopp, apl. Prof. Dr. Dietmar - Analytical Chemistry
Kraus, Prof. Dr. Florian - Inorganic Chemistry - Fluorine Chemistry
Kreißl, apl. Prof. Dr. Friedrich R. - Organometallic Chemistry
Kunkel, Dr. Nathalie - Inorganic Molecular and Solid State Chemistry
Kunze-Liebäuser, Prof. Dr. Julia
Köhler, Prof. Dr. Frank H. - Inorganic Chemistry, NMR Spectroscopy
Lang, Prof. Dr. Kathrin - Synthetic Biochemistry
Lange, Dr. Oliver - Organic Chemistry, Computational Structural Biology
Lemmen, apl. Prof. Dr. Peter - Organic Chemistry
Linsmeier, Prof. Dr. Christian
Lux, Prof. Dr. Franz - Radiochemistry
Luy, PD Dr. Burkhard - NMR-Spectroscopy
Madl, Dr. Tobias - Biomolecular NMR Spectroskopy
Manthe, Prof. Dr. Uwe - Theoretical Chemistry
Michel-Beyerle, Prof. Dr. Maria-Elisabeth - Physikalische Chemie
Moroder, Prof. Dr. Luis - Bioorganic Chemistry
Mukaiyama, Prof. Teruaki - TUM Honorary Professor
Müller, PD Dr. Thomas - Chemical Technology - From Molecular Catalysts to Catalysts for Fixed Bed Reactors
Nest, Prof. Dr. Mathias - Theoretical Chemistry, Quantum Dynamics
Neusser, Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen - Physical Chemistry
Niewa, Prof. Dr. Rainer - Solid State Chemistry, Material Science
Nießner, Prof. Dr. Reinhard - Analytical Chemistry, Hydrochemistry
Nitsch, Prof. Dr. Walter † - Chemical Technology
Nuyken, Prof. Dr. i.R. Oskar - Polymer Chemistry
Oberhofer, Prof. Dr. Harald - Theoretical Chemistry
Ogrodnik, PD Dr. Alexander - Physical Chemistry
Öfele, Dr. Karl - Inorganic Chemistry
Plank, Prof. Dr. Johann - Construction Chemistry
Rabe, PD Dr. Gerd - Inorganic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry
Reuter, Prof. Dr. Karsten - Theoretical Chemistry
Richter, Dr. Klaus - Biotechnologie
Ruhland, PD Dr. Klaus - Activation of Less Reactive Bonds and Small Molecules
Rösch, Prof. Dr. Notker - Theoretical Chemistry
Scheibel, Prof. Dr. Thomas - Biotechnologie
Scheurer, Dr. Christoph - Theoretical Chemistry, Dynamic Spectroscopy
Schieberle, Prof. Dr. Peter - Food Chemistry
Schiemann, Prof. Dr. Olav - Physical Chemistry
Schlag, em. Prof. Dr. Edward W. † - Physical Chemistry
Schmidbaur, em. Prof. Dr. Hubert - Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Schmidtchen, Prof. Dr. Franz P. † - Bioorganic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry
Schmitt-Fumian, Prof. Dr. Werner
Schneider, Prof. Dr. Sven - Inorganic Chemistry
Schneider, Dr. Sabine - chemical biology, X-ray crystallography, structural biology
Schottelius, apl. Prof. Dr. Magret - Pharmaceutical Radiochemistry
Schuster, Prof. Dr. Michael - Analytical Chemistry
Selzle, PD Dr. Heinrich † - Physical Chemistry
Simon, em. Prof. Dr. Helmut † - Biochemistry
Spiteller, Prof. Dr. Peter - Organic Chemistry
Ugi, em. Prof. Dr. Ivar † - Organic Chemistry, Computerchemistry
Veprek, Prof. Dr. i.R. Stanislav - Materials Science
Weder, Prof. Dr. Simon
Weihrich, Prof. Dr. Richard - Strukturanalytik in der Katalyse
Weinkauf, Prof. Dr. Sevil † - Electron microscopy
Weller, PD Dr. Michael G. - Bioanalytical Chemistry, Environmental Analysis
Wester, Prof, Dr. Hans-Jürgen - Pharmaceutical Radiochemisty
Wicke, Prof. Ewald - TUM Honorary Professor
Winter, Dr. Jeanette - Biotechnology