University Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Baumeister

Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB)
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Prof. Dr. Erich Coduro †

Food chemistry

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Prof. Dr. Utz-Hellmuth Felcht †

Industrial chemistry
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Prof. Dr. Christian Fischer

Gerresheimer AG
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Prof. Dr. Richard Fischer

Industrial catalysis

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Prof. Dr. Hans Frisch
Prof. Dr. Robert Huber

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Prof. Dr. Günter Höhlein

Technical chemistry, radiochemistry
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Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kutscher

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Prof. Dr. Alfred Hagen Meyer
Prof. Dr. Werner Obrecht

Macromolecular chemistry

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Prof. Dr. Brenda Schulman

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Prof. Dr. Siegfried Specht

Environmental chemistry and radiochemistry

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Prof. Dr. Rudolf Staudigl

Industrial chemistry

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Prof. Dr. Günther Wess

Biological chemistry
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