Habib Al-Ghoul

PhD Student

Project: GC×GC Method for Increasing the Sensitivity and Selectivity of CSIA

This research aims to develop a GC×GC-IRMS method that enhances the selectivity and sensitivity of CSIA while reducing sample preparation effort. The grand goal is to enable applications that are presently out of reach because of complicated matrices, low concentrations, or limited sample sizes. To this end, I will address the present Achilles heel of sensitive isotope analysis – the miniaturization of oxidation reactors – by realizing, evaluating, and optimizing two different designs. The first is a capillary micro-reactor, while the second is a solid-electrolyte reactor. Eventually, we will select the most compatible with GC×GC-IRMS.


Since 04/2022
Ph.D. thesis in Analytical Chemistry with Prof. Dr. Martin Elsner
Institute of Hydrochemistry, Chair of Analytical Chemistry and Water Chemistry, Technical University of Munich

03/2021 – 03/2022:
Research assistant at the University of Jordan
Project: Co-utilization of Eisenia fetida and Galleria mellonella in disposable paper cups.

2018 – 2020:
Master’s degree in Chemistry at the Eötvös loránd University (ELTE), Institution of Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary
Master Thesis: Analysis of Cuticular Hydrocarbons of Aphids by Gas Chromatography

2005 – 2009:
Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the University of Jordan, Department of Chemistry, Amman, Jordan