Chair of Medicinal and Bioinorganic Chemistry - Department of Chemistry
Lichtenbergstr. 4
85748 Garching b. München
Office CH 32 310 (3rd floor, green tower)
Email: sekretariat.mbc[at]
Dr. Claudia Schmidt
Medicinal inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, cell culture studies.
Phone: +49 89 289 13833
Room: CH 32 309
Dr. Vroni Felber
Pharmaceutical radiochemistry, synthesis and in vitro/in vivo charcaterization of radio-tracers.
Dr. Sebastian Fenzl
Pharmaceutical radiochemistry, synthesis and in vitro/in vivo charcaterization of radio-tracers.
Project (2024/25): "Development of Silicon-Fluoride based acceptors enabling versatile peptidic radiohybrid tracers"
Dr. Luis Guillermo Moreno Alcantar
Project (since 2024) : "SMARTdrugs" - Supramolecular Agents as Radio-theranostic drugs" - EIC Pathfinder Open 2023.
Project (2021-23): "Porphyrin-based metallacages as platforms for ‘smart’ bioactive supramolecular metal-based materials". Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Email: g.moreno-alcantar[at] / Phone: +49 89 289 13838
Room: CH 32 303
Dr. Darren Wragg
Computational chemistry, metadynamics, drug-target interactions.
ARTEMIS Innovation Network
Email: darren.wragg[at]
Phone: +49 89 289 13833
Room: CH 32 304
Felix Böhm
- Organic and supramolecular chemistry
f.boehm[at] / Phone: +49 89 289 13838
Room: CH 32 303
Marike Drexler
Project: Supramolecular chemistry, metallacages as theranostic agents
- Team member of SOCoMED - Supramolecular Organometallic and Coordination Complexes for Biomedical Applications
Email: marike.drexler[at]
Sarah Dummert
Supramolecular organometallic chemistry and material science, MOFs for catalysis and medicine
- co-supervisor Prof. Roland Fischer. ARTEMIS Innovation Network
Email: sarah.dummert[at]
Elisabeth Klaus
Project: Design of Gold-PROTACS, organogold chemistry, biological screening.
Email: elisabeth.klaus[at] / Phone: +49 89 289 13833
Room: CH 32 302
Daniela Krauss
Project: Design of Radiopharmaceuticals for targeted PET imaging - Radiochemistry
Email: daniela.krauss[at]
Franziska Schuderer
Project: Radiopharmaceuticals targeted to the brain - Pharmaceutical Radiochemistry
Email: franziska.schuderer[at]
Julia Andrea Stebani
Project: Computational methods and machine learning approaches to optimize drug discovery and materials design.
ARTEMIS Innovation Network
Email: julia.stebani[at]
Room: CH 32 304
Mihyun Park
Project: Design of metal-based mass-tags for mass spectrometry imaging of proteins.
Co-supervisor Prof. Nicole Strittmatter (Analytical chemistry)
Email: mihyun.park[at] / Phone: +49 89 289 13838
Room: CH 32 303
Riccardo Scotti
Project: Catalysis in Cells, organometallic ruthenium complexes as bioactive catalysts.
riccardo.scotti[at] / Phone: +49 89 289 13838
Room: CH 32 303
Josielle Vieira Fontes
"Sandwich" PhD student - Capes Brazil Fellow from 01.08.2024 till 31.07.2025
Project: "Organometallic Compounds for Anticancer Applications: PROTACs targeting”
Room: CH 32 302
Nina Willnhammer
- Organic and supramolecular chemistry, metallacages as theranostic agents.
Project (since April 2024) : "SMARTdrugs" - Supramolecular Agents as Radio-theranostic drugs" - EIC Pathfinder Open 2023.
Email: nina.willnhammer[at] / Phone: +49 89 289 13833
Room: CH 32 302