Jonas Dickmanns

PhD Student

Chair of Technical Electrochemistry

Department of Chemistry
Technische Universität München
Lichtenbergstraße 4, 85748 Garching, Germany

E-mail: jonas.dickmanns []
Tel.: +49-(0)89-289-13846
Room: CH-62103

Research Field

Cell Chemistry Based on Silicon Anode and Nickel-rich Oxide Cathode – Facilitation by Additives and Electrolyte Optimization (CAESAR)

Curriculum Vitae

Work Experience:

2/2021-8/2021: Working Student, Chair of Technical Electrochemistry (Prof. H. A. Gasteiger)


since 10/2021: PhD Student

10/2018-7/2021: M.Sc. in Chemistry at TU München. Thesis: “Electrochemical Characterization of Uncoated and Surface-Modified Artificial Graphite Particles” (Prof. H. A. Gasteiger, Chair of Technical Electrochemistry)

1/2020–6/2020: Exchange study at the chemistry department in the Masters Program "Chemistry for Renewable Energy", Uppsala Universitet, Sweden.

10/2015–6/2018: B. Sc. in Chemistry at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Thesis: "Development of a Neural Network Potential for Metal-organic Frameworks" (Prof. Dr. J. Behler, Theoretical Chemistry)