Prof. Dr. Hubert A. Gasteiger

Chair of Technical Electrochemistry

Department of Chemistry
Technische Universität München
Lichtenbergstrasse 4, 85748 Garching, Germany

E-mail: hubert.gasteiger []
Tel.: +49-(0)89-289-13628
Room: CH-62-303

Research Interests

Electrocatalysts, electroactive components, and electrode development related to (Li-Ion) batteries, low-temperature fuel cells, and electrolyzers as well as materials degradation mechanisms.

Scientific Contribution

281 refereed publications (see
(66100 citations, h‑index: 120; source: google scholar, December 2023)
Highly Cited Researcher (Web of Science) in 2019, 2020, and 2021

15 book chapters

45 published patent applications and patents

Editor-In-Chief of the Handbook of Fuel Cells (Wiley 2003 & 2009)

Governing Activities
  • Co-coordinator of the Battery Analytics Cluster AQua, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (since 2021)
  • Chair of the Examination Board in Chemistry at TUM (since 2015)
  • Former Cluster Coordinator for PEM Water Electrolysis in the BMBF funded P2X Kopernikus project (since 2016 - 2023)
  • Former Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Institute for Advanced Study at TU Munich (since 2017 - 2023)
  • Former Member of the Scientific Committee of the FCH JU (Fuel Cells & H2 Joint Undertaking; 2017 - 2020)
  • Former Chair of the Fuel Cell Subcommittee of the Electrochemical Society (2009 - 2015)

Honors and Awards

2022: Member of the Academy of Distinguished Engineers of the College of Engineering of Oregon State Univ.

2021: Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)

2020: Vittorio De Nora Award from the Electrochemical Society (ECS)

2020: Battery Division Research Award from the Battery Division of the ECS

2018: Supervisory Award given by the TUM Chemistry Department

2018: Jacobus van’t Hoff Lecture from the Delft University of Technology 

2017: Energy Technology Division Research Award from the ECS

2015: George C.A. Schuit Award Lecture at the University of Delaware

2015: David C. Grahame Award of the Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division of the ECS

2012: Eminent Visitor Award by the Catalysis Society of South Africa

2012: Recipient of the Grove Medal for Fuel Cell Research

2011: Fellow of the Electrochemical Society

2004: Promotion to General Motors Technical Fellow

2003: Klaus-Jürgen Vetter Prize for Electrochemical Kinetics from the International Society of Electrochemistry

2001: General Motors Chairman’s Honors Award (“Stack 2000” Project)

1997: Teaching Award from Ulm University (for senior-level “Heterogeneous Catalysis”)

1994: Norman Hackerman Young Author Award from the Electrochemical Society

1990: Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award from UC Berkeley

1986-1988: Fulbright Scholarship for M.S. program at Oregon State University

Curriculum Vitae

Scientific Career:

2010: Full Professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM, Chemistry): electrocatalysis, materials development, and materials degradation phenomena related to batteries, fuel cells, and electrolyzers.

2009: Visiting Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Cambridge, USA) with Yang Shao-Horn: catalysis in lithium-air batteries and model oxide catalysts for fuel cells.

2007-2008: Director for Catalyst Development at Acta S.p.A. (Italy): catalysts and membrane-electrode-assemblies (MEAs) for alkaline membrane electrolyzers and fuel cells.

1999-2007: Technical Manager in the Fuel Cell Activities program of General Motors (GM)/Opel (1999 in Mainz-Kastel, Germany; 2000-2007 in Honeoye Falls, NY, USA): catalyst & MEA development.

1995-1998: Assistant Researcher in the Dept. of Surface Chemistry & Catalysis (Prof. Behm) at Ulm University (Germany): gas-phase & electrocatalysis related to fuel cell systems.

1994-1995: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory with Phil Ross and Nenad Marković (CA, USA): surface electrocatalysis using electron- and ion-spectroscopies.

1989-1993: Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley (Berkeley, USA) with Prof. Cairns: methanol oxidation on PtRu model-electrodes.


1993: Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley

1988: M.S. in Chemical Engineering from Oregon State University (USA)

1986: Final Exam in Technical Chemistry from the University of Applied Sciences Nürnberg