
Today, Ebru Üzer successfully finished her PhD program in the research group of Prof. Nilges. The topic of her doctoral thesis was: "Synthesis and Characterization of Advanced Functional Materials for Photocatalytic Applications".


On June 6, Prof. Nilges gave a speech within the framework of GDCh Colloquiumat the University of Magdeburg.Topic of the speech: "Niederdimensionale Halbleiter der 15. Gruppe des PSE -Darstellung, Eigenschaften und Anwendungen".

Mrs. Claudia Ott successfully finished her PhD programm in the research group of Prof. Nilges. The topic of her doctorial thesis was:  "Synthesis of Main Group Element Compounds and their Application in Batteries, Water Splitting and Photodetection."

Talk and posters at the symposium

Prof. Nilges started his lecture tour at the beginning auf June - he spent 10 days at different universities. First he started at the University of California - Prof. Biface Fokwa and he have a cooperation within the BaCaTec project. His next visit was at the University of Chicago - he followed…

Korbinian Köhler, who worked as an external scientist in the research group of Prof. Nilges, finished his PhD programm on July 19. His PhD supervisor was Prof. Dr. Richard Weihrich from the University of Augsburg. The topic of his thesis: "Synthese und Charakterisierung von Verbindungen der Pyrit-…

Since today, Laura Meier is our new laboratory assistent. Laura Meier was already working in our group as apprentece for the last months. We look forward to working together with her.

Since today, Annabelle Degg is our new PhD student in the AK Nilges group. We wish her an interesting challenge and good results for her research.

André Utrap successfully finished his PhD programm in the research group of Prof. Nilges.  The topic of his doctorial thesis was: "Strukturchemie und Optimierung von Tetrelverbindungen".

Maximilian Baumgartner successfully finished his PhD programm in the research group of Prof. Nilges. The topic of his doctoral thesis was: "Über die Eigenschaften niedrigdimensionaler Polyphosphide".