
The triple is already accomplished this year!

The third publication in the Angewandte Chemie is in press.

Nachdem die beiden Artikel

1. Bi-Zn bond formation in liquid ammonia solution: [Bi-Zn-Bi]4– – a linear polyanion iso (valence) electronic to CO2
C.B. Benda, T. Köchner, R. Schäper, S. Schulz, T. F. Fässler, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201453, 8944-8948.
DOI: 10.1002/anie.201404343

2. Probing the Zintl-Klemm Concept: A combined experimental and theoretical charge density study of the Zintl phase CaSi
I. M. Kurylyshyn, T. F. Fässler, A. Fischer, C. Hauf, G. Eickerling, M. Presnitz, W.Scherer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201453, 3029 –3032.
DOI: 10.1002/anie.201308888

erschienen sind, ist nun auch der Beitrag

3. On the formation of intermetalloid clusters: Titanocen(III)diammin as a versatile reactant toward nonastannide Zintl Clusters
C. B. Benda, M. Waibel, T. F. Fässler, Angew. Chem.2014
DOI: 10.1002/ange.201407855


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