Dr. Tobias Fuchs


Address: Technical University of Munich, Department of Chemistry, Werner Siemens-Chair of Synthetic Biotechnology (WSSB), Lichtenbergstraße 4, 85748 Garching

Curriculum vitae

Since 11/2016: Scientist at Werner Siemens Chair for Synthetic Biotechnology

  • PhD topic: Biotechnology for the production of lubricant components
  • Project: CO2Lubricants

09/2013 – 08/2016: Master of (M. Sc), Hochschule Trier

  • Studiengang: Bio- and process engineering
  • Master Thesis: Influence of different driving styles on the vitality and cell count of yeast inbreeding in the brewery

03/2009 – 08/2013: Bachelor of (B. Sc), Hochschule Furtwangen

  • Studiengang: Bio- and process technology
  • Bachelor Thesis: Development of a valve test rig to determine the maximum release of nickel into drinking water within the product life