Office hours: by appointment
Phone: +49 (89) 289 13262
Address: Technical University of Munich, Department of Chemistry, Werner Siemens-Chair of Synthetic Biotechnology (WSSB), Lichtenbergstraße 4, 85748 Garching
Room: CH6, Room 27541
Curriculum vitae
Since 04/2019: Scientist at the Werner Siemens-Chair of Synthetic Biotechnology
- PhD topic: Establishing a biotechnological platform for the use of xylan rich biomas waste material for the production of sustainable lubricants.
- Project: Xylophon
04/2016 – 03/2019: Master of Science (M.Sc.), Technische Universität München
- Master program: Molekulare Biotechnologie
- Master Thesis: Establishing a light dependent expression system for the production of pharmaceutically relevant terpenes. - Supervision: Prof. Thomas Hofmann und Prof. Thomas Brück
10/2012 – 03/2016 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Technische Universität Darmstadt
- Bachelor program: Biomolecular Engineering – Molekulare Biotechnologie
- Bachelor Thesis: Enzyme mediated ligation of peptides by Aminolysin-A from Acidothermus cellulolyticus. - Supervision: Prof. Harald Kolmar