Title: Development of a biotechnological platform for the targeted use of xylan-rich biomass residue streams for the production of sustainable lubricant additives
Description of the Project
Starting from a Xylan-rich waste stream from a lignocellulose biorefinery, XYLOPHON aims at the production of new, bio-based additives for the lubricant sector. The fermentative utilization of C5 sugars is at the center of the development to create efficient microbial production organisms for isoprene, fatty acids and exopolysaccharides. This is accompanied by the development of strategies for the separation of the produced substances from the fermentation medium. With the help of a downstream chemical modification, the fermentative products are further refined and validated with regard to their suitability as lubricant additives in an industrially relevant environment. The XYLOPHON product portfolio is not only intended to expand the group of existing lubricant additives, but also to provide a sustainable, bio-based solution for an industrial sector that continues to rely heavily on products from fossil resources.
Personen: Dr. Mahmoud Masri (Project-management), Zora Rerop, Nicolaus Stellner und Petra Graban