Neue NMR-Methoden
Computerunterstützte Darstellung der experimentellen Bausteine
- Relaxation-optimized pulse elements (ROPE) (75, 83)
- Cross-correlated relaxation-optimized transfer (CROP) (82, 92)
- Transverse relaxation-optimized polarization transfer induced by cross-correlation (TROPIC) (98)
- Computer-aided design of tailor-made NMR experiments (8, 35, 94)
- Homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn experiments (HOHAHA) (35)
▪ Total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY) (35, 81)
▫ Pulse sequences for J coupled spins:
▫ GD sequences (broadband TOCSY) (8)
▫ Shaped MLEV (Clean TOCSY) (16)
▫ Directed TOCSY (27, 32, 33)
▫ Pulse sequences for dipolar coupled spins:
▫ MOCCA sequences (61, 70, 73)
▫ Clean TOCSY (87)
▪ Tailored correlation spectroscopy (TACSY) (7, 13, 20, 35)
▫ Pulse sequences:
▫ TT sequences (7, 35)
▫ CABBY sequences (HNHA-TACSY, DNA-TACSY) (25)
▫ ETA-sequences (E.TACSY) (19, 28)
▫ SIAM-TACSY (42, 73)
▫ COIN-TACSY (60) - Heteronuclear Hartmann-Hahn experiments (HEHAHA) (35)
▪ Broadband HEHAHA
▫ Pulse sequences:
▫ MGS-Sequences (broadband HEHAHA) (23)
▫ JESTER sequences (HIHAHA: heteronuclear isotropic mixing) (35, 67)
▫ 180°(MLEV-8) (short cycle time) (52)
▪ Bandselective HEHAHA
▫ Pulse sequences:
▫ G2-MLEV (band-selective HEHAHA) (34)
▫ TC sequences (Kin-HEHAHA) (37) - Rotating frame nuclear Overhauser effect (ROE) (30)
▪ Broadband ROESY with optimal suppression of Hartmann-Hahn transfer
▫ Pulse sequence:
▫ JS-ROESY (24) - Coherence order selective coherence transfer (22, 29, 31, 67, 68, 71)
- Heteronuclear decoupling
▪ Bandselective heteronuclear decoupling in liquids
▫ Pulse sequence:
▫ G3-MLEV (17) - Homonuclear decoupling in solids
▪ Broadband decoupling
▫ Pulse sequences: (11, 15) - Broadband pulses (79, 86, 91, 93)
- Pattern pulses (97)
- Shaped pulses for bandselective inversion of dipolar coupled spins (12, 14)