Dr. Stephane Abbet | 2001 | Gymnasium teacher, Switzerland |
Dr. Clara Aletsee | 2024 | Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Physics |
Dr. Jean-Marie Antonietti | 2005 | OMEGA research, Biel, Switzerland |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Arenz | 2010 | University of Copenhagen, Department of Chemistry |
Dr. Markus Bieletzki | 2009 | BOSCH, Landsberg |
Dr. Nicolas Bock | 2021 | Qualcomm, Munich |
Dr. Alexander Bornschlegl | 2008 | Giesecke & Devrient, München |
Dr. Alexander Bourgund | 2020 | |
Dr. Carla Courtois | 2021 | |
Dr. Andrew Crampton | 2015 | Harvard University (Group of Prof. C. Friend), Cambridge, MA, USA |
Dr. Astrid De Clercq | 2021 | European and international research funding, TUM ForTe, München |
Dr. Jan Eckhard | 2018 | Applied Materials GmbH, Munich |
Dr. Moritz Eder | 2022 | |
Dr. Michaela Entfellner | 2010 | German Patent Office, München |
Dr. Mostafa Farrag | 2013 | University of Assiut, Egypt |
Dr. Natalie Fehn | 2023 | |
Dr. Yves Fukamori | 2016 | |
Dr. Stefan Gilb | 2008 | MERCK company, Germany |
Dr. Vahideh Habibpour | 2009 | Nanoscale Physics Research Laboratory, University of Birmingham, UK |
Dr. Matthias Jakob | 2019 | Qualcomm, Munich |
Dr. Dragan Jelisavac | 2013 | |
Dr. Christopher Harding | 2008 | Cambridge Crystallographic Database, England |
Dr. Ken Judai | | College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University |
Dr. Philipp Heister | 2014 | Consultant, Munich, Germany |
Dr. Sebastian Kaiser | 2024 | |
Dr. Josef Kiermaier | 2013 | |
Dr. Fabian Knoller | 2018 | TÜV-Süd (Medizinprodukte), Munich |
Dr. Sebastian Kollmannsberger | 2018 | TÜV-Süd (Medizinprodukte), Munich |
Dr. Michael König | 2015 | ZFTRW Airbag Systems, Aschau am Inn, Germany |
Dr. Sebastian Kunz | 2010 | UC Berkeley (Group of Prof. Enrique Iglesia), USA |
Dr. GiHan Kwon | 2011 | Argonne National Laboratories (Group of Dr. Stefan Vajda) |
Dr. Kathrin Lange | 2014 | Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry (Group of Prof. Günther), ETH Zürich, Switzerland |
Dr. Jörn Lepelmeier | 2018 | |
Dr. Nikita Levin | 2021 | |
Dr. Tobias Lünskens | 2016 | Prof. Dr. Loh Kian Ping an der National University of Singapore |
Dr. Tsugunosuke Masubuchi | 2018 | |
Dr. Karl Mayrhofer | 2009 | Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf, Germany |
Dr. Marcin Michalski | 2006 | |
Dr. Farinaz Mortaheb | 2019 | |
Dr. Daniel Neuwirth | 2015 | EPCOS, Deutschlandsberg, Austria |
Dr. Marina Pivetta | 2007 | EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland |
Dr. Jose Penuelas | 2009 | INL, École Centrale de Lyon, France |
M.Sc. Clara Rettenmaier | 2018 | Fritz-Haber-Institut, MPG Berlin |
Dr. Claron Ridge | 2013 | Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) (Eglin, Florida) |
Dr. Martin Röttgen | 2007 | Engineering office, Germany |
Dr. Marian Rötzer | 2019 | Rosch Diagnostics, Munich |
M.Sc. Daniel Rutz | 2018 | |
Dr. Antonio Sanchez | | United Bank of Switzerland, Switzerland |
Dr. Florian Schweinberger | 2017 | Roche Diagnostics, Penzberg, Germany |
Dr. Martino Saracino | 2013 | Boston Consulting, Frankfurt, Germany |
Dipl.-Phys. Florian Spirkl | 2014 | Patent attorney office, Munich, Germany |
Dr. Martin Thämer | 2012 | Prof. Tokmakoff, University of Chicago, USA |
Dr. Katharina Titze | 2014 | German Patent Office, Munich |
Dr. Fabrice Vanolli | 1997 | Gymnasium teacher, Switzerland |
Dr. Bradley Visser | 2014 | Paul Scherrer Insitute, Villingen, Switzerland |
Dr. Patricia Wand | 2016 | Condias GmbH, Itzehoe, Germany |
Dr. Constantin Walenta | 2018 | Harvard University (Group of Prof. C. Friend), Cambridge, MA, USA |
Dr. Bo Wang | 2013 | Herzog Fiesser und Partner Patent Attorneys |
Dr. Alexander von Weber | 2019 | |
Dr. Gustav Wiberg | 2010 | Argonne National Laboratory (Group of Dr. Nenad M. Markovic) |
Dr. Sarah Wieghold | 2016 | MIT (Group of Prof. Buonassisi), Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. |
M.Sc. Kerstin Wienhold | 2017 | |
Dr. Andreas Winbauer | 2015 | DIN CERTCO, Nürnberg, Germany |
Dr. Anke Wörz | 2004 | CINAM-CNRS Marseille (Group of Dr. Claude Henry) |
Dr. Ke Zhang | 2019 | DTU (Group of Prof. Ib Chorkendorff), Kopenhagen, Denmark |
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PD Dr. Heinrich Selzle | 2009 | retired |
apl. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Boesl | 2015 | retired |
Dipl.Ing.(FH) Werner Tauchmann | 2016 | retired |
Dipl.Ing.(FH) Michael Eckinger | 2017 | Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik |
Daniela Reicheneder | 2024 | A newspaper in Dingolfing |