TUCHPC1 Wiki pages
- Remote Acces for certain PCs
- For Students
- Interna General Organization (Laboratory Keys, Room Reservation, Evaluation Sheets)
- Interna Laboratories (Instructions and Support)
- Interna Coordination
- Interna Admins
TUM Services
- TUM platforms: Mytum, TUMOnline
- TUM administration: Dienstleistungskompass, FAQ Dienstreise
- TUM Library Services: University Library, Electronic Journals, Bavarian State Library
- TUM Technical Services: Heating/Climate, Telephone, Gas/Water, Light/Electrics, Overview
- TUM NAT Chemisty: Professors, IT Service, Central Services, Supply and Waste (Chemicals and Gases), Delivery/Anfahrt, TUM NAT Chemistry Internal Websites
- Electronics Workshop: Staff, Order sheet
- Mechanical Workshop: Staff, Order sheet
- TUM Catalysis Research Center
TUM Studienverwaltung
- Lehrveranstaltungen (eingetragene Dozenten, Raum/Zeitplanung, Hörsäle, Stundenplanung der Studiengänge, moodle-Verknüpfung): iris.steinberger[at]
- Buchung einzelner Veranstaltungen (Besprechungen, Vorträge etc.): raumplanung[at]
- Prüfungsplanung (MOSES) und Module: iris.steinberger[at]
- TUMonline Gastaccounts: gastverwalter[at]
- Immediate help: Call 112 (landline) or 089-289 112 (cell phone). This medical assistance is on campus and will lead you to the appropriate doctor; you're entitled to this service, don't be afraid to call.
NAT Emergency: In an emergency: What to do?
TUM Emergency: Was tun im Notfall? / In an emergency: What to do?
Übersicht der Notfallorganisation - Small injuries: First-aiders can be contacted (Stefan Müller, Peter Kämmerer, Sebastian Günther).
In doubt: If you might need assistance later, you can reach the Bereitschaftspraxis im Elisenhofclose to the main station also in evening hours, or find the appropriate "Durchgangsarzt" in your vicinity (Website, simplified accounting with accident insurance).
Our accident insurance, "Unfallversicherungsträger", is LUK, the TUM reference number, "Unternehmensnummer", is 0040010.
In any case: Document the accidents in the Documentation of first aid services ("Meldeblock") in the Chair office.
- TUM administration of accidents: Accidents at work must be reported to the accident insurance (LUK) within 3 days. All details can be found here: Betriebliche Unfallmeldung. Please note that this document differentiates whether or not you have a contract with TUM. For students without contract see: In cases of emergency.
- Technical emergencies: Leitwarte (Control room) 14200.
- Safety: Only instructed persons have access to the laboratories. Everyone has to participate once a year at our annual Safety Course.
For questions, contact the safety representatives (Friedrich Esch, Martin Tschurl), resp. the laser safety officer (Martin Tschurl) or the radiation safety officer (Friedrich Esch).
Those who work in laser laboratories must participate in our annual Laser Safety Course; those who work with XPS in our annual Radiation Safety Course.
Erste Hilfe, TUM NAT Chemistry Safety Information, TUM NAT Chemistry Laboratory Course Rules