Prof. Dr. Bharat Suthar

Research Field
Electrochemical Modeling and Numerical Simulations of Energy Storage Systems Parameter Estimation and Optimization of Electrochemical Systems (Focus on Batteries)
Scientific Contribution
Articles (selected)
B. Suthar , J. Landesfeind , A. Elvedin , H. A. Gasteiger, Method to Determine the In-Plane Tortuosity of Porous Electrodes, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2018, 165(7), A2008-2018 (Open Access) - DOI
M. Husted, B. Suthar, Gavin Goodall, A. Newman, P. Kohl, "Coordinating Microgrid Procurement Decisions with a Dispatch Strategy Featuring a Concentration Gradient", accepted in Applied Energy, (2017)
T. Chadha, D. Rife, B. Suthar, V. S. Subramanian, P. Biswas, “Model based analysis of one-dimensional oriented lithium-ion battery electrodes,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 164, E3114 (2017)
B. Suthar, P. W. C. Northrop, R. D. Braatz, V. S. Subramanian, “Effect of porosity and tortuosity on capacity fade of anode,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 162(9), A1708-A1717 (2015)
B. Suthar, P. W. C. Northrop, R. D. Braatz, V. S. Subramanian, “Optimal Low Temp. Charging of Lithium-ion Battery” In International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, 2015 IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48, 1216 (2015)
B. Suthar, P. W. C. Northrop, R. D. Braatz, V. S. Subramanian, “Optimal Charging Profiles with Minimal Intercalation-induced Stresses for Li-ion Batteries using Reformulated P2D Models,” J. Electrochem. Soc., 161, F3144 (2014)
B. Suthar, V. Ramadesigan, S. De, R. D. Braatz, V. R. Subramanian, “Optimal charging profiles for mechanically constrained lithium-ion batteries,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 277 (2014)
Oral/poster presentations (selected)
B. Suthar et al., “Development and Implementation of Lithium-Ion Battery Performance and Capacity Fade Models for Resource Planning Tools” Abstracts, 230th The Electrochemical Society, 2016
B. Suthar et al., “Simplified Model of a Redox Flow Battery for Deriving Design and Dispatch Strategies in a Resource Planning Tool” Meeting Abstracts, AIChE, 2016
B. Suthar et al.,” Effect of Porosity Distribution on Intercalation-Induced Stresses and Plating Reaction in Li-Ion Battery”, Abstracts, 227th The Electrochemical Society, 2015
B. Suthar et al., “Optimal Charging Profile for Lithium-Ion Batteries at Subzero Temperatures,” Meeting Abstracts, 226th The Electrochemical Society, 2014
B. Suthar et al., “Model Based Optimal Control Strategies for Lithium-Ion Batteries-Theoretical Analysis of Performance Gains,” Meeting Abstracts, 225th The Electrochemical Society, 2014
B. Suthar et al., “Optimal Charging Profile for Mechanically Constrained Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Reformulated Pseudo Two Dimensional Models,” Meeting Abstracts, 225th The Electrochemical Society, 2014
B. Suthar et al., “Optimal Charging Profile for Mechanically Constrained Lithium Ion Batteries” Meeting Abstracts, 224th The Electrochemical Society, 2013
B. Suthar et al., "Real Time State Estimation of Reformulated Lithium-Ion Battery Model for Advanced Battery Management Systems (BMS)." Meeting Abstracts, 223rd The Electrochemical Society, 2013.
B. Suthar et al., "Towards Onboard Battery Management Systems Using Physics-Based Efficient Reformulated Models." Meeting Abstracts, 222nd The Electrochemical Society, 2012
Honors and Awards
2011-2016: Corning Corporate Fellowship by McDonnell International Scholar Academy
2013: Doctoral Student Teaching Assistant Award
2013: Financial support to attend an IPAM workshop-III: Batteries and Fuel Cells
2014: Travel grant for presenting my research in The Electrochemical Society conference
2015: Institute Technical Color and Institute Special Mention for outstanding performance in technology events at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay