Matthias Ernst

Research Field
Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis Research
- Investigation of porous transport layers (PTL)
- Development and optimization of microporous layers (MPL), a tailored cell component between PTL and anode.
- Analysis of the interplay between PTL and adjacent electrolysis cell components (i.e. membrane electrode assembly and flow field).
Scientific Contribution
Ernst, M. F.; Meier, V.; Kornherr, M.; Gasteiger, H. A. / Preparation and Performance Evaluation of Microporous Transport Layers for Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Water Electrolyzer Anodes / J. Electrochem. Soc., 2024, 171(7), 074511 (Open Access) – DOI
Möckl, M. , Ernst, M. F. , Kornherr, M., Allebrod, F., Bernt, M., Byrknes, J., Eickes, C. , Gebauer, C., Moskovtseva, A. and Gasteiger, H. A. / Durability Testing of Low-Iridium PEM Water Electrolysis Membrane Electrode Assemblies / J. Electrochem. Soc., 2022, 169(6), 064505 (Open Access) - DOI
Conference presentations
Matthias Ernst, Hubert A. Gasteiger, Developing Microporous Transport Layers for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Water Electrolyzer Anodes, The Electrochemical Society, 241th Spring Meeting 2022, Vancouver, Canada (oral presentation)