Dr. Michele Piana
Akademischer Oberrat
Chair of Technical Electrochemistry
Department of Chemistry
Technische Universität München
Lichtenbergstrasse 4, 85748 Garching, Germany
E-mail: michele.piana [] tum.de
Tel.: +49-(0)89-289-13632
Room: CH-62-308
Research Field
Fuel Cell Research, Li-Ion Batteries, Beyond Li-Ion Batteries
- Synthesis and characterization of nanometric, non-noble-metal electrocatalysts for fuel cells and electrolysers.
- Li-ion batteries: correlation between structure and electrochemical properties of electrode materials.
- Ex situ and in situ/operando analysis of the working/degradation mechanism of electrode materials.
Scientific Contribution
28 refereed publications
(722 citations, h-index: 15; source: Web of Science, December 2016)
1 book chapter
3 published patent applications and patents
Honors and Awards
2004: National Prize “Fondazione Oronzio De Nora” for the Ph.D. dissertation from the Italian Chemical Society (GEI 2004, Padova)
Curriculum Vitae
Scientific Career:
2004-2010: R&D Scientist at Acta S.p.A. (Italy), Designed and established the electrochemical labs (2005). Applied electrochemical techniques to screen catalyst activity which led to discovery of new catalysts (2005-2008). Coordinating Acta’s research tasks within the WELTEMP European Project (through 2008). Leading the Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cell Group (2009)
2004: Post-Doctoral Fellow at University of Rome “La Sapienza”, European Research Project “Study of carbonaceous materials as anodes in lithium accumulators” (Electrochemical analyses on anode materials in Li-Ion cells).
2003-2004: Post-Doctoral Fellow at Polytechnic of Turin, Italian Research project on nanomaterials for the electrodes of Li-Ion batteries (XRPD Rietveld refinement and electrochemical analyses on the synthesized materials).
2/2002-7/2002: Visiting Ph.D. Student at Texas Material Institute - Austin - TX - USA, Prof. John B. Goodenough (Phosphoolivines synthesis and characterization)
11/1999-02/2003: Ph.D. in Material Science and Technology from Polytechnic of Turin (Thesis title: Phosphoolivines as cathode materials for secondary lithium-ion batteries: synthesis, structural-morphological characterization and electrochemical analysis)
1993-1999: M.Sc. in Materials Chemistry from University of Eastern Piedmont “Amedeo Avogadro” (Thesis title: Use of synchrotron radiation for structural determination from single micro-crystals of Fe-silicalites ZSM-5)