Florian Parhofer

PhD Student
Chair of Technical Electrochemistry
Department of Chemistry
Technische Universität München
Lichtenbergstrasse 4, 85748 Garching, Germany
E-mail: florian.parhofer[]tum.de
Tel.: +49-(0)89-289-13658
Room: CH-62-308
Research Field
Curriculum Vitae
Working Experience:
2021-2022: Structural engineer at the engineering firm SSP Sennewald + Steger in Munich (inspecting and planning structural and civil engineering projects, assessing damage to existing buildings)
2020-2021: Research associate at the Institute for Materials and Construction Research (IMB) at Munich University of Applied Sciences, with a research focus on the material science challenges of the reconstruction of prefabricated houses (project name "Rural Mining")
2015-2020: Student assistant at the University of Applied Sciences Munich in the laboratory for building chemistry (preparing and conducting of tutorials, material and chemical examinations, material tests, chemical analyses, maintaining of laboratory instruments, supervising of Bachelor theses)
2018: Structural Internship with the Munich engineering firm Schaefer + Merkin Ingenieure
2018: Summer School in Myanmar (establishing a university partnership with the Yangon University of Technology)
2016: Structural Internship with the Munich engineering firm SSF-Ingenieure
2018-2020: M.Sc. in General Civil Engineering at Munich University of Applied Sciences with a focus on construction and materials science. Thesis: "Investigations on the use of recycled concrete powder as a filler, reactive concrete additive or binder with the aim of cement reduction"
2014-2018: B.Sc. in Civil Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Munich specialising in general civil engineering. Thesis: "Investigations on the microbial solidification of sand by the bacterial strain Sporosarcina pasteurii"