Tim Kipfer
PhD Student
Chair of Technical Electrochemistry
Department of Chemistry
Technische Universität München
Lichtenbergstraße 4, 85748 Garching, Germany
E-mail: tim.kipfer [] tum.de
Tel.: +49-(0)89-289-13859
Room: CH-62-306
Curriculum Vitae
Work Experience
11/2020-2/2021: Intern at BASF SE, Cathode development for Li-ion batteries
06/2019-12/2019: Research assistant at the Chair of Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry (Prof. Roland A. Fischer)
04/2017-03/2018: Working student at Hensoldt Sensors GmbH, Project management
since 01/2022: PhD student at the Chair of Technical Electrochemistry
10/2019-11/2021: M.Sc. Chemistry at TU München with focus on inorganic and physical chemistry, Thesis at the Chair of Technical Electrochemistry (Prof. Hubert. A. Gasteiger): “Post-treatment of a Dense LMR-NCM Through Aqueous Buffer-washing”
10/2016-9/2019: B.Sc. Chemistry at TU München, Thesis at the Chair of Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry (Prof. Roland A. Fischer): “Synthesis and Characterization of Multi-Photon Active Metalorganic Frameworks Built from Dipolar ‘Push-Pull’ Chromophores”