M.Sc. Simon Deger

Joined the team in March 2021.

Graduated at TUM in 2021 under the guidance of Roland A. Fischer.

Room No.: 4038
Phone: +49 89 289 54132
E-mail: simon.deger[at]tum.de

Research Topic: Advancing the Understanding and Application of Photoactive Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)

My PhD project focuses on the development of photoactive Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and Metal-Organic complexes. The desired characteristics are transferred onto the material via the optical active linker or ligands, which are designed to possess the desired properties. The characteristics that should be incorporated into the material and subsequently investigated are: photocatalysis, energy transfer and multiphoton absorption as well as the underling structure. The overarching objective of this PhD project is to broaden the understanding of the structure-photophysical-property relationship in these materials.

Selected Publications

S. N. Deger, Y. Cui,  J. Warnan, R. A. Fischer, F. Šanda, J. Hauer, A. Pöthig, ACS Appl. Opt. Mater. 2024, XXXX, XXX, XXX-XXX. (Influence of Chromophore Packing on Multiphoton Absorption in Carbazole-Based Pillar-Layered Coordination Polymers)

S. Wu, P. M. Stanley, S. N. Deger, M. Z. Hussain, A. Jentys, J. Warnan, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2024, XX, e202406385. Photochargeable Mn-Based Metal–Organic Framework and Decoupled Photocatalysis.

M. Aust, M. I. Schönherr, D. P. Halter, L. Schröck, T. Pickl, S. N. Deger, M. Z. Hussain, A. Jentys, R. Bühler, Z. Zhang, K. Meyer, M. Kuhl, J. Eichhorn, D. D. Medina, A. Pöthig, R. A. Fischer, Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 1, 129–140. (Benzene-1,4-Di(dithiocarboxylate) Linker-Based Coordination Polymers of Mn2+, Zn2+, and Mixed-Valence Fe2+/3+)

S. J. Weishäupl, Y. Cui, S. N. Deger, H. Syed, A. Ovsianikov, J. Hauer, A. Pöthig, R. A. Fischer, Chem. Mater. 2022, 34, 16, 7402–7411. (Coordination Polymers Based on Carbazole-Derived Chromophore Linkers for Optimized Multiphoton Absorption: A Structural and Photophysical Study)

S. N. Deger, S. J. Weishäupl, A. Pöthig. R. A. Fischer Energies 2022, 15(7), 2437. (A Perylenediimide-Based Zinc-Coordination Polymer for Photosensitized Singlet-Oxygen Generation)