Publications 2011 Group of Prof. Rieger
- Timo M. J. Anselment, Carly E. Anderson, Bernhard Rieger, M. Bele Boeddinghaus, Thomas F. Fässler, Dalton Transitions 2011, 40, 8304-8313, cover page,
"Synthesis of non-symmetrically sulphonated phosphine sulphonate based Pd(II) catalyst salts for olefin polymerisation reactions".
- Timo M. J. Anselment, Christian Wichmann, Carly E. Anderson, Eberhardt Herdtweck, Bernhard Bieger, Organometallics 2011, 30 (24), 6602-6611,
"Structural Modification of Functionalized Phosphine Sulfonate-Based Palladium(II) Olefin Polymerization Catalysts".
- Chao Chen, Timo M. J. Anselment, Roland Fröhlich, Bernhard Rieger, Gerald Kehr, Gerhard Erker Organometallics 2011, 30, 5248–5257,
"o-Diarylphosphinoferrocene Sulfonate Palladium Systems for Nonalternating Ethene–Carbon Monoxide Copolymerization".
- M. Cokoja, C. Bruckmeier, B. Rieger, W. A. Herrmann, F. E. Kühn, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 8510 – 8538, cover page,
"Transformation of Carbon Dioxide with Homogeneous Transition-Metal Catalysts: A Molecular Solution to a global problem?".
- Joachim E. Dengler, Maximilian W. Lehenmeier, Stephan Klaus, Carly E. Anderson, Eberhardt Herdtweck, Bernhard Rieger, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2011, 3, 336-343,
"A One-Component Iron Catalyst for Cyclic Propylene Carbonate Synthesis".
- A. Feigl, A. Bockholt, J. Weis, B. Rieger, Advances in Polymer Science 2011, Vol. 235, pp. 1-31,
"Modern Synthetic and Application Aspects of Polysilanes: An Underestimated Class of Materials?"
(Buchkapitel in Silicon Polymers; Hrsg.Aziz M. Muzafarov, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg)
- Paul Heinz, Konrad Hindelang, Anastasia Golosova, Christine M. Papadakis, Bernhard Rieger, Chem Phys Chem 2011, 12, 3591-3603,
"Self-Assembly of Linear and Cyclic Siloxane-Containing Mesogens: Investigation of Layered Structures in Bulk and Thin Films"
- Stephan Klaus, Maximilian W. Lehenmeier, Eberhardt Herdtweck, Peter Deglmann, Anna K. Ott, Bernhard Rieger, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133 (33), 13151-13161,
"Mechanistic Insights into Heterogeneous Zinc-Dicarboxylates and Theoretical Considerations for CO2-Epoxide Copolymerization".
- Stephan Klaus, Maximilian W. Lehenmeier, Carly E. Anderson, Bernhard Rieger, Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2011, 25 (13-14), 1460-1479,
"Recent advances in CO2/epoxide copolymerization--New strategies and cooperative mechanisms".
- Stephan Klaus, Sergei I. Vagin, Maximilian W. Lehenmeier, Peter Deglmann, Anna K. Brym, Bernhard Rieger Macromolecules: Latest Articles (ACS Publications) 2011, 44, 9508-9516,
"Kinetic and Mechanistic Investigation of Mononuclear and Flexibly Linked Dinuclear Complexes for Copolymerization of CO2 and Epoxides".
- Maximilian W. Lehenmeier, Christian Bruckmeier, Stephan Klaus, Joachim E. Dengler, P. Deglmann, Anna Ott, Bernhard Rieger, Chemistry A European Journal 2011, 8858-8869,
"Differences in reactivity of epoxides in the copolymerisation with carbon dioxide by zinc based catalysts: Propylene oxide vs. Cyclohexene oxide".
- Stephan Salzinger, Uwe B. Seemann, Andriy Plikhta, Bernhard Rieger, Macromolecules 2011, 44 (15), 5920-5927,
"Poly(vinylphosphonate)s Synthesized by Trivalent Cyclopentadienyl Lanthanide-Induced Group Transfer Polymerization".
- Felix Schulz, Victor Sumerin, Sami Heikkinen, Björn Pedersen, Cong Wang, Michiko Atsumi, Markku Leskelä, Timo Repo, Pekka Pyykkö, Winfried Petry, Bernhard Rieger, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 20245-20257,
"Molecular Hydrogen Tweezers: Structure and Mechanisms by Neutron Diffraction, NMR, and Deuterium Labeling Studies in Solid and Solution".