
Dr. David Mayer - Congrats!

We are proud that David Mayer has successfully defended his outstanding PhD thesis - click here to find some of his research highlights (with more on the way!). Congrats David!


Follow these links to see some of David's great work:

D. C. Mayer, A. Manzi, R. Medishetty, B. Winkler, C. Schneider, G. Kieslich, A. Pöthig, J. Feldmann, R. A. Fischer,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 11594-11602 DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b04213  (Controlling Multi-Photon Absorption Efficiency by Chromophore Packing in Metal-Organic Frameworks).

D. C. Mayer, J. K. Zarȩba, G. Raudaschl-Sieber, A. Pöthig, M. Chołuj, R. Zaleśny, M. Samoć, R. A. Fischer, Chem. Mater. 202032(13), 5692–5690. (Postsynthetic Framework Contraction Enhances the Two-Photon Absorption Properties of Pillar-Layered Metal−Organic Frameworks)