Office hours: by appointment
Phone: +49 (89) 289 13249
Address: Technical University of Munich, Department of Chemistry, Werner Siemens-Chair of Synthetic Biotechnology (WSSB), Lichtenbergstraße 4, 85748 Garching
Room: CH6, room 27542
Curriculum vitae
Since 04/2012: Engineer at the Werner Siemens Chair for Synthetic Biotechnology
- Fermentation systems management
- Maintanance of algae culture collection
- Budget management
- Order management
- Responsible person: First aid
03/2009 – 04/2012: Engineer at Helmholtz Centre München
Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC)
- Clinical studies with radioactive labeled aerosols
- Project management
10/2003 – 06/2008: Diplom engineer (HM, Hochschule München)
- Studies: Bioengineering
- Diploma thesis: Determination of water quality: Microbiological and chemical analysis of the running waters and streams in the Mangfalltal water protection area