Deputy Head of Werner Siemens-Chair of Synthetic Biotechnology
Office hours: no special times defined
Phone: +49 (89) 289 13251
Address: Technical University of Munich, Department of Chemistry, Werner Siemens-Chair of Synthetic Biotechnology (WSSB), Lichtenbergstr. 4, 85748 Garching, Germany
Room: CH6, Room 27541
Curriculum vitae
Since 01/2018: Deputy Head and leader of research group “Biocatalytic Reaction Systems” at the Werner Siemens-Chair of Synthetic Biotechnology
- Tasks: Development of novel biocatalytic conversion processes to obtain from terrestrial and/or marine remainders natural and/or artificial products with an application background in sustainable pharmacy, chemistry and material science.
- Projects: GreenCarbon, ChitoMat, Clean Carbon
Since 10/2015: Scientific Director of the TUM-AlgaeTec Center located on the Ludwig-Bölkow-Campus (southeast to Munich in Taufkirchen/Ottobrunn, Germany)
- Tasks: Direct conversion of green house gas CO2 into biofuels and high-value speciality chemicals via phototrophic microorganisms.
02/2011 – 12/2017: Project manager at the Division of Industrial Biocatalysis (Prof. Dr. T. B. Brück, Technical University of Munich, Research Center Garching)
- Tasks: Development of novel biocatalytic conversion processes to obtain from the sugar moieties of terrestrial and/or marine remainders natural and/or artificial products with an application background in sustainable pharmacy and as monomers for biobased polymers.
11/2009 – 01/2011: PostDoc with the Chair “Chemistry of biogenic Ressources” (Prof. Dr. V. Sieber, Technical University of Munich, Science Center Straubing)
- Tasks: Development of a new technology platform to convert biogenic ressources into industrial relevant basic and specialty chemicals
02/2004 – 05/2009: Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.), Philipps-Universität Marburg and TU Dortmund
- PhD thesis: Gerichtete Proteinevolution als Werkzeug zur Generierung funktionell und strukturell neuartiger Proteine (Engl.: Directed evolution as tool box to obtain functional and structural novel proteins); Prof. Dr. H. D. Mootz (Emmy Noether Professorship (Marburg) / Professorship of Chemical Biology and Biochemistry (Dortmund)), Philipps-Universität Marburg
10/1998 – 12/2003: Chemist (with special background in biochemistry), Philipps-Universität Marburg and Heriot-Watt-University Edinburgh (UK)
- Course of study: Chemistry (with special background in biochemistry)
- Diploma thesis: In vitro-Zyklisierung von Peptidyl-Thioester-Analoga mit (E)-Alken-Dipeptidisosteren durch die nichtribosomalen Thioesterase-Domänen der Antibiotika Surfactin A und Tyrocidin A (Engl.: In vitro cyclisation of peptidyl thioester derivatives comprising (E) alkene dipeptide isosters by the non-ribosomal thioesterase domains of the antibiotics Surfactin A and Tyrocidine A); Prof. Dr. M. A. Marahiel (Chair of Biochemistry) and Prof. Dr. U. Koert (Chair of Organic Chemistry), Philipps-Universität Marburg