Maximilian Huber
PhD Student
Since 12/2021
PhD Thesis in Analytical Chemistry with PD Dr. Natalia P. Ivleva, Institute of Water Chemistry, Chair of Analytical Chemistry and Water Chemistry, Technical University of Munich
10/2019 – 12/2021
Master of Science in Chemistry at Technical University of Munich
Master Thesis: "Towards the analysis of environmental samples by the online-coupled FFF-Raman microspectroscopy setup", with PD Dr. Natalia Ivleva, Institute of Water Chemistry, Chair of Analytical Chemistry and Water Chemistry, Technical University of Munich
10/2016 – 09/2019
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Technical University of Munich
Bachelor Thesis: “ Preparation and characterization of transition metal catalysts for the methanation of carbon dioxide”, Group of Prof. Dr. Klaus Köhler, Associate Professorship of Inorganic Chemistry, Technical University of Munich
M. J. Huber, L. Zada, N. P. Ivleva, F. Ariese, Multi-Parameter Analysis of Nanoplastics in Flow: Taking Advantage of High Sensitivity and Time Resolution Enabled by Stimulated Raman Scattering, Analytical Chemistry 2024,
R. Gonzalez de Vega, T. Thaíse Moro, B. Grüner, T. de Andrade Maranhão, M. J. Huber, N. P. Ivleva, E. Skrzypek, J. Feldmann, D. Clases, Studying the Degradation of Bulk PTFE into Microparticles via SP ICP-MS: A Systematically Developed Method for the Detection of F Containing Particles, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 2024,
M. J. Huber, N. P. Ivleva, A. M. Booth, I. Beer, I. Bianchi, R. Drexel, O. Geiss, D. Mehn, F. Meier, A. Molska, J. Parot, L. Sørensen, G. Vella, A. Prina-Mello, R. Vogel, F. Caputo, Physicochemical Characterization and Quantification of Nanoplastics: Applicability, Limitations and Complementarity of Batch and Fractionation Methods, Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry 2023,
M. J. Huber, N. P. Ivleva, Stimulated Raman Scattering for the Analysis of Nanoplastics, - 2024 - Wiley Analytical Science
M. J. Huber, A. M. Booth, I. Beer, I. Bianchi, R. Drexel, O. Geiss, D. Mehn, F. Meier, A. Molska, J. Parot, L. Sørensen, G. Vella, A. Prina-Mello, R. Vogel, F. Caputo, N. P. Ivleva, Inter-comparison of Different Fractionation and Batch Methods for the Physicochemical Characterization and Quantification of Nanoplastics, 23rd International Symposium on Field- and Flow-based Separations, 03.–06.06.2024, Nantes, France.
M. J. Huber, L. Zada, F. Ariese, M. Elsner, N. P. Ivleva, Stimulated Raman Scattering: A New Approach to Detect Nanoplastics in Flow, ANAKON 2023, 11.–14.04.2023, Vienna, Austria.
M. J. Huber, N. P. Ivleva, Analysis of Nanoplastics in Flow with Spontaneous and Stimulated Raman Scattering Techniques, LaserLab Europe Conference, 25.07.2023, Riga, Latvia
M. Huber, L. Zada, F. Ariese, N. P. Ivleva, Stimulated Raman Scattering for Analysis of Nanoplastics in Flow, SciX2023, 08.–13.10.2023, Sparks-Nevada, USA
Poster Presentations
M. J. Huber; C. Wabnitz; R. Bakkour; M. Elsner; N. P. Ivleva, Nanoplastic Quantification via Quartz Crystal Microbalance: An Approach for Hyphenation with Field-Flow Fractionation, 23rd International Symposium on Field- and Flow-based Separations, 03.–06.06.2024, Nantes, France.
M. J. Huber; Zada, L.; Ariese, F.; Elsner, M.; Ivleva, N. P. Multi-Parameter Analysis of Nanoplastics: Taking Advantage of High Time Resolution Enabled by Stimulated Raman Scattering, SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, 30.04.–04.05.2023, Dublin, Ireland.
M. J. Huber; M.; Zada, L.; Ariese, F.; Elsner, M.; Ivleva, N.P. Stimulierte Raman-Streuung zur zeitlich hoch aufgelösten online-Detektion von Nanoplastik, Wasser 2023, 15.–17.05.2023, Augsburg, Germany.
M. J. Huber; Beer, I.; Caputo, F.; Parot, J.; Sogne, V.; Meier, F.; Elsner, M.; Ivleva, N. P.; Towards the Analysis of Real Samples using online-coupled Field-Flow Fractionation- Raman Microspectroscopy. SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting, 15.–19.05.2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.
M. J. Huber; Beer, I.; Sogne, V.; Meier, F.; Elsner, M.; Ivleva, N. P.; Online Coupling of Field-Flow Fractionation and Raman Microspectroscopy: Towards the Analysis of Environmental Samples. Wasser 2022, 23.–25.05.2022 (online).
M. J. Huber; M.; Beer, I.; Caputo, F.; Parot, J.; Sogne, V.; Meier, F.; Elsner, M.; Ivleva, N. P.; Further Development of Field-Flow Fractionation- Raman Coupling: Importance of Suitable Reference Materials. Analytica Conference, 21.–24.06.2022, Munich, Germany.
M. J. Huber; M.; Zada, L.; Ariese, F.; Ivleva, N. P., Online-Coupled FFF-Raman Microspectroscopy: Taking Advantage of Faster Acquisition Times Enabled by Stimulated Raman Scattering. 22nd International Symposium on Field- and Flow-Based Separations, 11.–14.09.2022, Riverside, USA.
M. J. Huber; Caputo, F.; Parot, J.; Sogne, V.; Meier, F.; Ivleva, N. P., Online-coupled FFF-Raman Approach for the Simultaneous Separation and Detection of Nanoplastics and Inorganic Particles. 17th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium, 27.09.–01.10.2021, (online).
M. J. Huber; Caputo, F.; Parot, J.; Sogne, V.; Meier, F.; Ivleva, N. P., Simultaneous Separation and Detection of Nanoplastics and Inorganic Particles using an online-coupled FFF-Raman Setup. Virtual Symposium on Field- and Flow-based Separations 2021, 11.–13.10.2021, Poster Prize, 1st place.